Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Cats and Buttered bread. Make up your own issue about anything and get people to care about it.
Cats and Buttered bread. Make up your own issue about anything and get people to care about it. We had to make up an issue for class, most people just did abortion or peer pressure but I wanted to, as usual, be a comedian so I did this. I got a good grade for it and people in my class and my teacher actually laughed and kept their attention won me while i was reading it. =DCats and Buttered Bread.Ive decided to make an issue of this question: “If a cat always lands on its feet and buttered bread always lands butter side down, what would happen if you tied the buttered bread to the top of a cat?†You may have all seen the television show Brainiac at some point. There is a segment on the show called Tickles Teasers, were Prof. Jon Tickle tells us some ‘brain teasers and doesnt tell us the answers. Usually these questions are rhetorical, dont make sense, have left out information or make false assumptions.Buttered crumpetIn the case of this question, it has left out information and made false assumptions. First of all Tickle didnt mention that wed be dropping the cat w ith the buttered bread stuck to it. If we were not to drop the cat with the buttered bread stuck to it, the cat would simply attempt to remove the bread and walk off in the haughty way that cats do.But lets assume that the question is in fact asking what would happen if you tied buttered bread to the top of a cat and then dropped it from a fair height. Well it could land either way, and the reason why is very simple: if it lands butter side down, the cat hasnt landed yet its lying on bread. Likewise, if it lands feet down, the bread has not landed.However, there is another thing...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Peep vs. Peek
Peep vs. Peek Peep vs. Peek Peep vs. Peek By Maeve Maddox A reader asks, What exactly is the difference between peep and peek? The words are similar in meaning. In fact, peep may derive from peek. And peek may come from an earlier word that still exists in in Scots dialect and dialects spoken in northern England: keek. keek: to look secretly, as through a narrow aperture, or around a corner. peek: to look through a narrow opening; to look into or out of an enclosed or concealed space; (also) to glance or look furtively at, to pry. peep: to look through a narrow aperture, as through half-shut eyelids or through a crevice, chink, or small opening into a larger space; (hence) to look quickly or furtively from a vantage point; to steal a glance. Peep and peek are often used in connection with children, who â€Å"peek at Christmas presents†and â€Å"peep out from under furniture.†Shakespeare has Cassius use the verb peep to convey the idea that Romans had become as powerless as children compared to Caesar: Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world Like a Colossus, and we petty men Walk under his huge legs and peep about To find ourselves dishonorable graves. –Julius Caesar, I,2, 136-139. Peep also means, â€Å"to emerge or protrude a very short distance into view; to begin to appear. For example: Just then the sun began to peep over the eastern hills. Another word that may be related to peep is the verb peer: peer: to look narrowly or closely, esp. in order to make out something indistinct or obscured; to look with difficulty or concentration at someone or something. Here are some examples of the use of peek, peep, and peer from the Web: She was afraid Arthur Kincaid would peek at the will, learn of the contest, and try to destroy the clues. [The suspect] was arrested Monday after residents at a Gretna housing complex said they saw him peeping into several windows.  [The use of iPads in trendy restaurants] solves the issue of diners having to peer at the menu in the dim lighting. As for the reader’s question regarding the difference between peep and peek, I have to say that in most contexts they are probably interchangeable. One difference is that peep is the usual choice when someone is attempting to see another person in an act meant to be private. For example: A man working towards a PhD at Delaware University is in custody on suspicion of using spy cameras to peep [at] women going to the bathroom. Because this kind of peeping is so common, states have what are called â€Å"peeping Tom laws†to punish it. Note: The expression â€Å"peeping Tom†derives from the legend of Lady Godiva, the wife of Leofric, Earl of Mercia (d. 1057). The lady begged her husband to lift certain heavy taxes he had imposed on his tenants. He said he’d do so if she would ride naked through the streets of Coventry. With only her long hair to cover her nakedness, she rode through Coventry. The population respectfully stayed indoors and didn’t look, with one exception. A tailor named Tom peeped through his window. According to legend, he was immediately struck blind. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:36 Adjectives Describing LightEnglish Grammar 101: Verb MoodBail Out vs. Bale Out
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Military Leadership in the Union Armies Term Paper
Military Leadership in the Union Armies - Term Paper Example The battle continued for four years from year 1861 to 1865 and then ended with the surrender of the Confederate and outlawed slavery throughout the Country.1 Union party was served by more than 2.2 million military men, whereas approx 1.4 million people fought from Confederate side. The military personnel had gained professional military education and worked under the leadership of officers from diverse backgrounds. These military officers were professionally trained West Pointers, businesses persons and political officials. Initially confederate had strong leadership, but Union had led by poor commanders. Later on, Union replaced such officials and employed adept and potential military men who had command experience, thereby brought victory to the Union.2 This paper analyzes battlefield strategy and leadership of Military officials in Union Army which led the forces to defeat Confederate men. The US Civil War never faced shortfall of enthusiasm because many young people wanted to jo in the army in 1861. All these people volunteered because they were excited to fight in defense of the Union military force, in anticipation of quick promotions as lead by their experience. The trouble created in the process of volunteering was a severe lack of leadership, planning and organization at the loftiest levels.3 The American Civil War supplied a multitude of commanders and sensible comparison amid battle conditions and issues. The Union military army had a specific requirement for efficacious armed combat commanders during the Civil War and those commanders and officers were essentially needed to be specifically educated and well trained to lead the people in war which would in turn defend and uphold the new nation. This unique need was realized and understood by government and politicians, so they made efforts for military training.4 Though, all military leaders had not developed through gaining formal military education and training. Many cells of professional officials were formed by the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis and the United States Military Academy at West Point. These cells were comprised of professional military officers who had complete knowledge of military science so as to create an intense impact on the demeanor of the American Civil War. Throughout the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln was the President of United States and at the same time served as the Commander-in-Chief of the Union armed forces, the highest-ranking military officer .5 The military personnel had the authority to elect the junior officers, whereas the state governors nominated the senior officers, and the President Lincoln nominated the generals.6 The significant military leaders for the Union army included Ulysses S. Grant, William T. Sherman, George B. McClellan, George Meade, John C. Fremont, Ambrose Burnside, Joseph Hooker, Irvin McDowell, and Winfield Scott.7 This paper throws light especially on the role played by Generals George B. McClellan, Ulysses S. Grant, George Meade, and William T. Sherman. During the American Civil War, George Brinton McClellan was a major general. He served as the general-in-chief of the Union Army for a short period from November 1861 to March 1862, and coordinated the renowned Army of the Potomac. In the beginning of the war, McClellan’s attempts for raising a well-trained and devised army for the Union had been very important. Peninsula Campaign initiated by McClellan in 1862 got failed, as his army receded due to
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Queer theory with The Beauty and Beast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Queer theory with The Beauty and Beast - Essay Example Belle, serving as the protagonist of the work, shows a continued distaste towards the masculine, and instead falls in love with the feminine aspects of the beast, hinting at feminine-feminine attraction as an acceptable mode of sexuality. Gender is developed quite early in the film, and defined primarily by two characters, Belle and Gaston. The film depicts both as the pinnacles of their respective genders: an opening song notes that â€Å"Belle’s name means beauty,†while a song about Gaston point out that â€Å"there’s no man in town that’s as manly/ perfect a pure paragon†(Beauty and the Beast) Thus, from the opening of the film the feminine is identified with Belle while the masculine is identified with Gaston. Using this association, it is possible to determine what the film identifies as being feminine or masculine characteristics. Belle, for example, is an incredibly caring person, taking care of her tottering father as well as caring for various animals around her such as her horse. She also enjoys reading and exploring the world of the mind. Physically, the feminine is defined by long flowing hair (as opposed to the tight pony tails often worn by men) and more delicate features. Gaston, on the other hand, demonstrates the film’s understanding of masculinity. The masculine consists of a series of valued behaviors, such as â€Å"drinking †¦ hunting †¦ fighting,†eating eggs and so forth (Beauty and the Beast). Furthermore, the song â€Å"Gaston†enumerates the aspects physical attributes associated with masculinity: incredible size, a thick neck, a cleft chin, strength (â€Å"biceps to spare†) and â€Å"every last bit †¦ covered in hair†(Beauty and the Beast). The problem, however, is that the masculine is incredibly repulsive to Belle. She has absolutely no attraction to Gaston, and has to turn him down as
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Cross Cultural by Hofstede Essay Example for Free
Cross Cultural by Hofstede Essay â€Å"Culture is the collective programming of the mind distinguishing the members of one group or category of people from others†Professor Geert Hofstede conducted one of the most comprehensive studies of how values in the workplace are influenced by culture. He analyzed a large data base of employee values scores collected by IBM between 1967 and 1973 covering more than 70 countries, from which he first used the 40 largest only and afterwards extended the analysis to 50 countries and 3 regions. Subsequent studies validating the earlier results have included commercial airline pilots and students in 23 countries, civil service managers in 14 counties, up-market consumers in 15 countries and elites in 19 countries. In the 2010 edition of the book â€Å"Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind†, scores on the dimensions are listed for 76 countries, partly based on replications and extensions of the IBM study on different international populations. Dimensions of National Culture The values that distinguished countries from each other could be grouped statistically into four clusters. These four groups became the Hofstede dimensions of national culture: Power Distance (PDI) Individualism versus Collectivism (IDV) Masculinity versus Femininity (MAS) Uncertainty Avoidance (UAI) A fifth Dimension was added in 1991 based on research by Michael Bond who conducted an additional international study among students with a survey instrument that was developed together with Chinese employees and managers. That Dimension, based on Confucian dynamism, is Long-Term Orientation (LTO) and was applied to 23 countries. In 2010, research by Michael Minkov allowed to extend the number of country scores for this dimension to 93, using recent World Values Survey data from representative samples of national populations. In the 2010 edition of Cultures and organizations, a sixth dimension has been added, based on Michael Minkovs analysis of the World Values Survey data for 93 countries. This new dimension is called Indulgence versus Restraint. On 17 Jan 2011, Geert delivered a webinar for SIETAR Europe called New Software of the mind to introduce Cultures Organizations 3rd ed. Culture only exists by comparison The country scores on the dimensions are relative societies are compared to other societies. Without make a comparison a country score is meaningless. These relative scores have been proven to be quite stable over decades. The forces that cause cultures to shift tend to be global or continent-wide. This means that they affect many countries at the same time, so that if their cultures shift, they shift together, and their relative positions remain the same. The country scores on The Hofstede Dimensions can also be found to correlate with other data about the countries in question. Some examples: Power distance is correlated with income inequality in a country. Individualism is correlated with national wealth. Masculinity is correlated negatively with the percent of women in democratically elected governments. Uncertainty avoidance is associated with the legal obligation in developed countries for citizens to carry identity cards. Long-term orientation is correlated with school results in international comparisons.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
What Montag Learned in Fahrenheit 451 :: Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 451
Simplicity vs. Reality Above all things, Montag loved to burn. It was pleasurable for him to set aside his ignorance, watching as the little papery ashes shrivel up, and wisp into the air like fireflies. But that was before he took the time to ask why. Montag had to ask himself why he was burning these books, when he didn’t even know what they were. So he decided to take action and read them. Where he lives, this is illegal. Reading these books brought misfortune, like loosing his wife, house, and being forced to become a nomad. But he also benefited from this. By reading these books and ruining his life he also gained many things. A few of these are knowledge, feelings, and understanding. Gaining this knowledge is the very thing that ruined his life, though it gave him a sense of meaning. Through all of this Montag learns the information he finds in the books was what he needed all along. The life he was living was a lie. He was an ant to his society, and it must have come as a relief to finally realize he was no longer being controlled by his lack of intelligence. Throughout this story as I started to become more familiar with the characters I noticed something quite unusual. In essence, the people around Montag only have two basic feelings, happiness and sadness. All these people ever know is that they want to be happy and they don’t care at what cost. They don’t have any knowledge or understanding of the way things work and that’s exactly what their government wants for them, because as soon as you have knowledge and understanding you start having more in depth emotions and begin asking questions, which leads to trying to makes changes. This causes complication, and that’s just the sort of thing they cannot allow in their simple, ant-like society. Montag gets feeling from the books, and the feelings he gets motivates him to do what’s right. Even if everyone else around him is self centered, they only care about their own happiness. In chapter One Clarisse asks Montag if he’s happy. She makes it seem like such an easy question, while in fact it’s one of the hardest questions he has ever had to ask himself. The truth is that Montag doesn’t understand what true happiness is. All he knows is that he needs to make some drastic changes, and Montag doesn’t even know how.
Monday, November 11, 2019
An Online Business Expansion Proposal Essay
Dancy’s Fancy Butter is a local, singly owned and operated butter/spread. This business is located in Jacksonville Michigan. The operation started out from a simple request from a friend who wanted to buy the Garlic butter for a party. It was then that Anna Dancy realized the family and friend’s favorite dinner addition was a possible money making venture. The actual business side was at first a bit taunting. Anna had never run her own business, nor had she worked in food service or distributing food. There was a lot to learn that went way beyond the product. She purchased a mobile kitchen unit, and started creating her butter spreads. It was not long before the Health inspector paid her a visit. She was fortunate that she was giving solid advice as to how to move forward with rules in running a food service business. The holdup was minimal and it gave her time to actually prepare for bring her product to a larger customer base then family and friends. Farmer’s markets are the primary selling place for Dancy Fancy Butter. The product is made and kept preserved in the mobile kitchen, and then Anna and family helpers travel thought out the Jacksonville region setting up at Farmers Markets. It has been a great success. Now that she has a year under her belt, and with family and friends living outside of Jacksonville and the state of Michigan Anna Dancy had decided that she wants to explore expanding her internet presences and move into selling and shipping her product to a wider market. The advantages in today’s market for placing access to your product and services online are numerous. For Dancy Fancy Butter being online will open up an opportunity for a larger population to see the products offered. There is an international customer base available into Canada with the location of the company in Michigan. The possible challenges to building an online presence for this company will be assuring there is up-keep for everything from the website through the social media outlets. The online presence is bound to bring in more clients, the significance will be made clear and the management of the online environment will align with the overall goal to be successful in this endeavor. Current Online Competition The online completers that come up in a basic search for butter, butter spread and organic are, Home Earth Balance (http://www.earthbalancenatural.com/), Melt Up! (http://www.meltdirectnow.com/), and Bryanna’s Vegan Butter (http://vegan.com/recipes/bryanna-clark-grogan/bryannas-vegan-butter/). Earth Balance is an off shoot of the Smart Balance products whose parent company is GFA Brands, Inc. so even though this is an natural butter spread, it is still a part of a large company. The website is well organized, and has several appealing features such as a Recipe section and Kitchen Tips. There is not a ecommerce or shopping cart, so the product is only available in stores. The next company Melt Up! is an organic butter spread. The website is very basic. It does have a shopping cart and ecommerce. The site offers a newsletter and runs and RSS syndication on its front page. This sight is a good set up if you are familiar with the product. The third website like or close as a competitor is Bryanna’s Vegan butter. This site is connected to Vegan.com (http://vegan.com). It is more of a blog site. If the site does allow you to buy products, however it takes you off to Amazon to complete your purchase. This websites do have similar products as Dancy Fancy butter, however they are not homegrown, home town products. The advantage to Dancy Fancy butter is it will carry a local feel to all who visit the website. Online Marketing Suggestions and Strategies Three online strategies that are planned for the rolling out Dancy Fancy Butter online expansion will be an email campaign, a Facebook group for the company and third will be content strategy of building Cooking Tips videos for the website.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Foreign Collaboration
TAXPERT PROFESSIONALS Article on Foreign Collaboration 24 March 2011 0 TAXPERT Professionals | [Type the company address] Article on Foreign Collaboration Foreign Collaboration An Overview To fulfill the need of freeing the Indian industry from excessive official control and for promoting foreign investments in India in necessary sectors the much required liberalization of Indian economy was brought in by Industrial Policy of 1991. From then the Indian economy is more facilitating to Foreign Direct investment in all form. Foreign investment in India is regulated by ?Foreign Exchange Management Act ? Reserve Bank of India ? Department of Policy and promotion Foreign Exchange Management Act is an act to facilitate, promote and manage the foreign exchange in India. Reserve Bank of India issues various regulations to give effect to the various provisions of the Foreign Exchange Management Act. The Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion was established in 1995 and has been reconstitu ted in the year 2000 with the merger of the Department of Industrial Development. There has been a consistent shift in the role and functions of this Department since 1991.From regulation and administration of the industrial sector, the role of the Department has been transformed into facilitating investment and technology flows and monitoring industrial development in the liberalized environment. The role and functions of the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion [here in after referred as Department or DIPP] primarily includes interalia is following: Formulation and implementation of industrial policy and strategies for industrial development in conformity with the development needs and national objectives; acilitation of FDI; technology collaborations at enterprise level and formulating policy parameters for the same; Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications of Goods and administration of regulations, rules made there under; TAXPERT Professionals | www. taxpertpro. com [email protected] com 09769134554 Article on Foreign Collaboration The DIPP is in charge for encouraging acquisition of technological capability in various sectors of the industry where such acquisition is required to promote the economic development.Foreign technology induction is facilitated through liberal foreign technology collaboration regime either through FDI or through Foreign Technology Collaboration (FTC) agreement. There are two types of Foreign Collaboration the Financial collaboration and the technical collaboration. 1. Financial Collaboration refers to collaboration where only equity is involved. The financial collaboration can be by way of entering into Joint Venture agreement with the Indian Company. 2. Technical collaboration refers to collaboration where there is transfer of technology by the Foreign collaborator on due compensation.Foreign Colloboration Financial Colloboration 1 Financial Collaboration Techinical Colloboration Financial collab oration refers to collaboration where there is equity participation. It is regulated by the sectoral caps only and equity is permitted in almost all the sectors till the extent as mentioned in the Foreign Direct Investment Policy. Foreign Direct Investment is permitted under the automatic route in most sectors/activities excluding only few sectors which are prohibited like real estate etc and few where prior approval from FIPB is required. TAXPERT Professionals | www. taxpertpro. om [email protected] com 09769134554 Article on Foreign Collaboration As per press note 3 (2005 Series) issued by DIPP prior government approval for new proposals would be required only in cases where the foreign investor has an existing joint venture in the â€Å"same field†[refer Annexure I for detailed discussion]. Same field as defined in the same press note mean 4 digit NIC 1987 code. In case of Financial collaboration a new Indian company [referred as Joint venture Company or JVC here in af ter] is formed, shares of which are subscribed by a foreign party and the Indian Company.When the money is received by Indian company [JVC] for subscription of shares by Foreign Company it has to intimate the RBI within 30 days of the receiving of Consideration and within 180 days of the receipt of consideration the shares are required to be allotted to foreign company, within 30 days of the allotment of shares the FC GPR Form along with Certificate from Chartered Accountant as well as Company secretary is required to be filed by Indian Company [JVC].As far as Financial collaboration is concerned in most of the cases a Joint Venture agreement is entered separately or all the conditions of joint Venture agreement are incorporated in the Article of Association of the Company. Interalia following are the clauses in Article of Association that will need consideration so that the interest of both the Joint Venture partners is saved: 1. Shares: – There can be restriction on transfe rring the share of a company [by each Joint Venture Partner] that no shareholder [JV partner] shall transfer the shares without the approval from other JV partner.The shares shall be offered to the other shareholder first before selling to the third party. How the fair value of the shares to be transferred shall be determined. There can be Lock in period for holding the shares. 2. Meetings:-The Quorum for the General meeting shall be at least one Shareholder? s representative appointed by both parties respectively. 3. Directors: – The Minimum number of directors representing interest of each party can be placed in Article of Association.The quorum of the Board Meeting can be framed to consist at least one Director appointed by each of the parties. The clauses can be put to safeguard interest of each party as to items where consent shall be given by way of affirmative voting by each party director. 2 Foreign technology agreements and collaborations For promoting technological capability and competitiveness of Indian Industry, acquisition of foreign technology is promoted through foreign technology collaborations.Foreign technology agreements and collaborations are permitted either through the automatic route under delegated powers exercised by the Reserve Bank of India, or by the Government. The items of foreign technology collaboration, which are eligible for approval through the automatic route and by the Government, are A. Technical know-how fees, B. Payments for designs and drawings, C. Payments for engineering services and D. Royalty TAXPERT Professionals | www. taxpertpro. com [email protected] com 09769134554 Article on Foreign CollaborationFor entering into technology collaboration an agreement is entered into between the foreign entity and an Indian entity. The following should be taken into account while drafting the technology agreement that the licensed product/technical information is defined elaborately, period for which such a technolog y/knowhow is transferred, what is transferred and what is not transferred and what are exclusive and non exclusive rights transferred, manner of calculation of payment and schedule of payment, cost of foreign Technicians, which party will bear the taxes if etc. Please note that no permission is necessary for hiring of foreign technicians and no application need be made to Government for this purpose irrespective of whether the hiring of foreign technician is under an approved collaboration agreement or not]. As said earlier the collaboration can be through automatic route or government route.Below is the brief discussion regarding the same:- 2. 1 Automatic Route for Foreign Technology Agreements: The Reserve Bank of India, through its regional offices, accords automatic approval to all industries for foreign technology collaboration agreements subject to: The lump sum payments not exceeding US $2 million; Where there s technology Transfer :- Royalty payment being limited to 5 per ce nt for domestic sales and 8 per cent for exports, subject to a total payment of 8 per cent in sales without any restriction on the duration of the payments; and Where there is no technology Transfer: – The Government of India also permits payment of royalties of up to 2 per cent on exports and 1 per cent for domestic sales under automatic route on use of trademarks and brand names of the foreign collaborator without technology transfer. ? ? ?Also, Clarification was brought in by department via press note dated 23-12-2005 that as FDI upto 100% is permitted under the automatic route in most sectors/activities automatic route is also allowed for foreign technology collaboration where the payments are within 5% for domestic sales and 8% for exports. 2. 2 Government Approval for Foreign Technology Agreements As per press note 1(2005 series) Prior approval of the Government would be required only in cases where the foreign investor has an existing joint venture or technology transf er/trademark agreement in the „same? ield. The onus to provide requisite justification and also proof to the satisfaction of the Government that the new proposal would or would not in any way jeopardize the interests of the existing joint venture or technology/trademark partner or other stakeholders would lie equally on the foreign investor/technology supplier and the Indian partner. TAXPERT Professionals | www. taxpertpro. com [email protected] com 09769134554 Article on Foreign CollaborationIn cases where the foreign investor has a joint venture or technology transfer/trademark agreement in the „same? field prior approval of the Government will not be required in the following cases: i. Investments to be made by Venture Capital Funds registered with the Security and Exchange Board of India (SEBI); ii. where in the existing joint-venture investment by either of the parties is less than 3 per cent; iii. Where the existing venture/collaboration is defunct or sick.Remit tance of Royalty/Technical Fee General permission has been given permission to authorised dealers by Reserve bank of India vide (DIR Series) Circular No. 76 dated 24th Feb 2004 to allow remittances for royalty and payment of Lump sum fee provided the payment; provided the royalty does not exceeds 5% of the domestic sales and 8% on exports and Lump sum fees does not exceeds USD 2 Million. Prior approval from Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Government of India in case exceeds the above said payments.In terms of Rule 4 of the Foreign Exchange Management (Current Account Transactions) Rules 2000, prior approval of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, is required for drawing foreign exchange for remittances under technical collaboration agreements where payment of royalty exceeds 5% on local sales and 8% on exports and lump-sum payment exceeds USD 2 million [item 8 of Schedule II to the Foreign Exchange Management (Current Account Transactions) Rules, 2000]. How ever as per RBI/2009-10/465 A. P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 2 dated 13 May 2010 the Government of India has reviewed the extant policy with regard to liberalization of foreign technology agreement and it was decided to omit item number 8 of Schedule II to the Foreign Exchange Management (Current Account Transaction) Rules, 2000, and the entry relating thereto. Accordingly, AD Category-I banks may permit drawal of foreign exchange by persons for payment of royalty and lump-sum payment under technical collaboration agreements without the approval of Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India [w. . f 16 Dec 2009]. Source :http://rbidocs. rbi. org. in/rdocs/content/PDFs/AFE130510RC. pdf To sum up, success of any collaboration is dependent on the synergies that are driven from it by both parties. Therefore to achieve the desired objective of collaboration it is necessary that the matters like proper due diligence, tax structuring, drafting of joint venture agreement etc are v ery well taken care of. For further details get in touch at [email protected] com TAXPERT Professionals | www. taxpertpro. om [email protected] com 09769134554 Article on Foreign Collaboration Annexure I Source: http://dipp. nic. in/ DISCUSSION PAPER SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF FOREIGN/ TECHNICAL COLLABORATIONS IN CASE OF EXISTING VENTURES/ TIE-UPS IN INDIA 1. The Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion has decided to release Discussion Papers on various aspects related to FDI. In the series of these Discussion Papers, this is the third paper on „Approval of foreign/ technical collaborations in case of existing ventures/tie-ups in India?.Views and suggestions are invited on the observations made in the enclosed discussion paper, as also on the entire gamut of issues related to the subject, by October 15, 2010. 2. The views expressed in this discussion paper should not be construed as the views of the Government. The Department hopes to generate informed discussion on the subject, so as to enable the Government to take an appropriate policy decision at an appropriate time. TAXPERT Professionals | www. taxpertpro. com [email protected] com 09769134554 Article on Foreign CollaborationDISCUSSION PAPER APPROVAL OF FOREIGN/ TECHNICAL COLLABORATIONS IN CASE OF EXISTING VENTURES/ TIE-UPS IN INDIA 1. 0 PRESENT SCENARIO: 1. 1 Paragraph 4. 2. 2 of Circular 1 of 2010 (Consolidated FDI Policy), specifies that investment would be subject to the „Existing Venture/ tie-up condition?. As per this condition, where a foreign investor had, prior to January 12, 2005, entered into an existing joint venture/ technology transfer/ trademark agreement in the same field, any new proposal for investment/ technology transfer/trademark agreement, requires Government approval.The proposal has to be routed through either the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) in the Department of Economic Affairs, if fresh foreign investment is involved or the Project Approval Boar d (PAB) in the DIPP, if no foreign investment is involved. The 4 digit National Industrial Classification (NIC), 1987 Code, would be the basis for determining if the field was the same . 1. 2 The onus to demonstrate that the proposed new tie-up would not jeopardize the xisting joint venture or technology transfer/ trademark partner, lies equally on the foreign investor/ technology supplier and the Indian partner. 1. 3 The policy aims at protecting the interests of joint venture partners of agreements entered into, prior to January 12, 2005. Foreign collaboration agreements, both financial and technical, entered into after January 12, 2005, have been exempted from this stipulation. This is because such joint venture agreements are expected to include a „conflict of interest? lause, so as to safeguard the interests of joint venture partners, in the event of one of the partners desiring to set up another joint venture or a wholly owned subsidiary in the same field of economic act ivity. 1. 4 Five categories of investments have, however, been exempted from the requirement of Government approval, even though the foreign investor may be having a joint venture/ technology transfer/ trademark agreement in the same field.These are a) Investments to be made by Venture Capital Funds registered with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI ), b)Investments by Multinational Financial Institutions like the Asian Development Bank (ADB), International Finance Corporation(IFC), Commonwealth Finance Corporation (CDC), Deutsche Entwicklungs Gescelschaft (DEG), c) Where, in the existing joint venture, investment by either of the parties is less than 3 per cent d)Where the existing joint venture / collaboration is defunct or sick and e) Investments in the Information Technology or mining sectors. 2. 0 2. 1EVOLUTION OF THE PRESENT REGIME: PRESS NOTE 18 (1998 SERIES) In Press Note 18 (1998 series), Government set out the following guidelines for approval of foreign / te chnical collaborations, under the automatic route, in cases where previous ventures/ tie-ups existed within India. a) Automatic route for bringing in FDI and/or technology collaboration agreements (including trade-mark agreements), would not be available to those who have or had any previous joint-venture or technology transfer/trade-mark agreement, in the „same? or „allied? field, in India. TAXPERT Professionals | www. taxpertpro. com [email protected] om 09769134554 Article on Foreign Collaboration b) Government approval route was, necessary in such cases. Detailed circumstances under which it was found necessary to set-up a new joint venture/enter into new technology transfer (including trade-mark) were required to be furnished at the time of seeking approval. c) The onus was clearly on such investors/technology suppliers, to provide the requisite justification /proof, to the satisfaction of the Government, that the new proposal would not, in any manner, jeopardize the interests of the existing joint-venture or technology/trade-mark partner or other stakeholders.It was at the sole discretion of the FIPB/ PAB, to either approve the application with or without conditions or to reject it in toto, duly recording the reasons for doing so. 2. 2 PRESS NOTE 10 (1999 SERIES) Press Note 10 (1999 series) defined the meaning of the terms â€Å"same field†and â€Å"allied field†as under: o o â€Å"same field†– four-digit NIC 1987code â€Å"allied field†– three-digit NIC 1987codeThe Press Note further clarified that, only proposals for foreign collaboration, falling under same four-digit or three-digit classifications, in terms of their past or existing joint ventures in India, would attract the provisions of Press Note 18 (1998 series). 2. 3 PRESS NOTE 2 (2000 SERIES) With a view to further liberalize the FDI regime, the Government issued Press Note 2 (2000 series), wherein all activities were placed under the automatic route for FDI, except for a specified negative list. Sector-specific guidelines were attached to this Press Note.In respect of the mining sector, it was mentioned that the provisions of Press Note 18 (1998 series) would not be applicable for setting up 100% owned subsidiaries, subject to a declaration from the applicant that he had no existing joint-venture for the same area and/ or the particular mineral. 2. 4 PRESS NOTE 8 (2000 SERIES) Press Note 8 (2000 series), recognized the special nature and needs of the IT sector. With a view to further simplify approval procedures and facilitate greater investment inflows into the IT sector in the country, FDI proposals elating to the IT sector were exempted from the provisions of Press Note 18 (1998 series). 2. 5 PRESS NOTE 1 (2001 SERIES) This Press Note provided for exemptions from the provisions of Press Note 18 for investments made in domestic companies by International Financial Institutions, such as the Asian Development B ank (ADB), International Finance Corporation (IFC), Commonwealth Development Corporation (CDC), Deutsche Entwicklungs Gescelschaft (DEG) etc.Accordingly, such International Financial Institutions were permitted to invest in domestic companies, through the automatic route, subject to SEBI/ RBI regulations and sector-specific caps on FDI. TAXPERT Professionals | www. taxpertpro. com [email protected] com 09769134554 Article on Foreign Collaboration 2. 6 PRESS NOTE 1 (2005 SERIES) 1. Following the introduction of Press Note 18 (1998 series), certain representations were made by foreign investors. They pointed out that: a) The Press Note had the effect of overriding the contractual terms agreed to with the Indian partners. ) Domestic investors were using the provisions of the Press Note as a means of extracting unreasonable prices / commercial advantage. The Press Note was, thus, becoming a stumbling block for further FDI coming into the country. c) The term â€Å"allied field†was very widely defined, as it included even those products which would not have caused jeopardy to the manufacture of existing products. d) Foreign investors were being singled out to present their defence, without the Indian partner being asked to justify the existence of jeopardy. . Press Note 1 (2005 series), issued on 12 January, 2005, addressed these issues by amending the earlier guidelines. New proposals for foreign investment/technical collaboration were allowed under the automatic route, subject to sectoral policies and the following revised guidelines: a) Prior approval of the Government would be required only in cases where the foreign investor had a joint venture or technology transfer/trademark agreement in the ‘same' field, existing as on the date of the Press Note i. . 12 January, 2005. b) The onus to provide requisite justification and proof, to the satisfaction of the Government, that the new proposal would or would not, in any way, jeopardize the interests of the existing joint-venture or technology/ trademark partner or other stakeholders, would lie equally on the foreign investor/ technology supplier and the Indian partner. ) Even in cases where the foreign investor had a joint-venture or technology transfer/ trademark agreement in the ‘same' field, prior approval of the Government would not be required in the following cases: Investments to be made by Venture Capital Funds registered with the Security and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) or ii) where in the existing joint-venture investment by either of the parties was less than 3% or iii) where the existing venture/ collaboration was defunct or sick i) d) In so far as joint ventures to be entered into after the date of the Press Note were concerned, the joint venture agreements could embody a ‘conflict of interest' clause, to safeguard the interests of joint-venture partners, in the event of one of the partners desiring to set up another joint-venture or a wholly-owned- subsidiary, in the ‘same' field of economic activity. 2. 7 PRESS NOTE 3 (2005 SERIES) TAXPERT Professionals | www. taxpertpro. com [email protected] com 09769134554 Article on Foreign Collaboration Subsequently, Press Note 3 (2005 series), issued on 15 March, 2005, clarified that: a) For the purposes of Press Note 1 (2005 Series), the definition of „same? field would continue to be 4-digit NIC 1987 Code. ) Proposals in the Information Technology sector, and the mining sector, continued to remain exempt from the application of Press Note 1 (2005 Series). c) For the purpose of avoiding any ambiguity, it was further reiterated that, jointventures/technology transfer/trademark agreements, existing on the date of issue of the said Press Note (i. e. 12. 1. 2005), would be treated as existing jointventures/technology transfer/trademark agreements, for the purposes of that Press Note. 3. 0 APPLICATION OF THE PROVISIONS IN PRACTICE: 3. 1 FIPB considered 566 proposals during th e calendar year 2009, out of which 16% related to matters linked with Press Notes 1 and 3 of 2005, wherein the applicants had a joint-venture / technology transfer agreement, with an Indian partner, as on 12 January, 2005. 3. Some of the principles emerging from the cases discussed in the FIPB 1 are set out below: a) In case the existing joint-venture has become defunct, there may not be any jeopardy to the Indian partner, in case the foreign collaborator wishes to set up a new venture. b) „Jeopardy? should not be invoked as a measure to stifle legitimate business activity and prevent competition. The issue of „jeopardy? has to be examined in light of the extant business agreements/arrangements between the parties. c) „Jeopardy? may not be established in cases where technology licence agreements have expired, as per terms mutually agreed by the joint-venture partners. d) In location specific projects/ activities, the concept of „jeopardy? cannot be extended b eyond the area originally envisaged in the agreement. In such cases, „jeopardy? eeds to be viewed in a location-specific context. 3. 3 The FIPB Review, 2009 has observed that: â€Å"While critics may feel that Press Note 1 has outlived its utility, the high pitched debate on the issue of jeopardy and Indian JV partners alleging foul play by the foreign collaborator cannot make us oblivious to its continuing relevance. †4. 0 PRACTICES IN OTHER EMERGING MARKETS (CHINA AND BRAZIL): 1 FIPB Review, 2009 TAXPERT Professionals | www. taxpertpro. com [email protected] com 09769134554 Article on Foreign Collaboration Emerging economies, such as Brazil and China, do not have any such corresponding requirements, under their foreign investment regimes. 5. CONCERNS RELATED TO LIBERALISING THE ‘EXISTING VENTURE/ TIE-UP CONDITION’: 5. 1 In 1998, the main policy concern was to protect the interests of domestic jointventure partners/ technology collaborators, who may ha ve been less advantageously placed, in comparison to their foreign counterparts, insofar as their ability to influence the terms of future business engagement were concerned. It was felt that an element of Government oversight was necessary, so that future collaborations were subjected to the test of „jeopardy? and existing domestic joint-venture partners/ technology collaborators were not placed in a position wherein their survival was threatened. 5. This policy framework was relaxed in 2005, while maintaining a balance between the need to ensure healthy foreign investment inflows and the need to ensure that survival of the domestic industry was not threatened. The main elements of the „existing venture/ tie-up condition? were retained, underlining Government? s concerns about ensuring the continued sustenance and growth of the domestic joint-venture partners/ technology collaborators, in collaboration with their foreign partners. 6. 0 THE CASE FOR REVIEW OF THE EXTANT REGIME: 6. 1 The „existing venture/ tie-up condition? has now been in existence, as a formal measure under the FDI policy, for nearly twelve years. It was last reviewed in 2005.There is a need to examine whether such a conditionality continues to be relevant in the present day context. 6. 2 The „existing venture/ tie-up condition? currently applies only to those joint-ventures which have been in existence as on or prior to 12 January, 2005. With more than five years having elapsed, it can be argued that the issue of „jeopardy? is, no longer relevant, as the Indian partners could have recovered their investments substantially during this period of time. 6. 3 The Indian industry today is in a much stronger position than it was in the 1990s, when the condition was first introduced. It, therefore, needs to be seen whether there is a need to continue with the elements of such a regime even today. 6. Further, industry has to increasingly become more competitive. This is particularly relevant in an era of globalization, where a number of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) and Comprehensive Economic Cooperation/ Partnership Agreements (CEPAs/CEPAs) are in place . In such a scenario, if an industry is discouraged from being set up in India, it could be set up in a neighbouring country, with whom a trade agreement exists or is being negotiated. Competition today, is not only between domestic players inter se but also between international and domestic players. Dumping of goods from some of countries has posed serious threats to the survival of domestic industries.Between 1992 and 2010 (May), the Directorate General for anti Dumping (DGAD) has initiated anti-dumping investigations into 253 cases involving 38 countries/territories (considering 27 EC countries as a single territory). The major product categories on which anti-dumping duty has been levied are chemicals & petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, fibres /yarns, steel and other metal products and consumer goods. TAXPERT Professionals | www. taxpertpro. com [email protected] com 09769134554 Article on Foreign Collaboration Limiting international technology agreements through measures described above may constrain the growth of strong and competitive domestic industries. 6. It is also a moot point whether Government policy should intervene in the commercial sphere and override contractual terms agreed to between the parties, given the need to promote healthy competition, and ensure sustained long-term economic growth. It can be argued that Government should not be concerned about commercial issues between two business partners. 6. 6 The measure discriminates between the foreign investors who had shown confidence in India, by investing in the country prior to 2005 and those who invested later. 6. 7 The condition may be restricting a number of investors, who may not be able to reach agreement with their Indian partners on their future investment plans, thereby restricting the inflow o f foreign capital and technology into the country. 6. 8 A related issue is the concept of „same field?.Press Note 1 of 2005 significantly limited the scope of the provisions of Press Note 18 (1998 series), as the latter applied only to the â€Å"same field†and not the much wider â€Å"allied field†. However, in the present day context, even the concept of â€Å"same field†may not be an accurate indicator for determining whether the new venture would jeopardize the interest of the existing joint-venture partner. This is because , the NIC four digit Codes, even after revision , may still not fully reflect the complexities related to the concept of the „same? industry and may often tend to cover a wide range of industrial activities under the same head. As an example, the activity of „manufacturing of seat belts? may not jeopardize the activity of „manufacturing of car steering?.However, both fall under the „same field? under the NIC Code of 1987. Further, the NIC Codes of 1987 may not accurately represent many of the business situations in the current complex and diversified industrial environment, leading to difficulties in interpretation. 7. 0 POLICY OPTIONS FOR CONSIDERATION : 7. 1 For the reasons mentioned in Paras 6. 1 to 6. 8, should the „existing venture/ tie-up conditions? last amended in Press Notes 1 and 3 of 2005 and now included as paragraph 4. 2. 2 of Circular 1 of 2010 be totally abolished? 7. 2 Alternatively, if it is felt that such a condition should continue for some more time, should calibrated relaxations be introduced ?These could include exemptions from the application of the condition in cases where: a) The existing venture/tie up is more than say 10 years old b) If the activity of the new venture is demonstrably different from the activity of the existing venture/tie up, even though it has the same NIC field. Are there any other contingencies where such exemptions should be conside red? The article is contributed by CA. Sudha G. Bhushan, She is a Chartered Accountant and a company secretary. She is advisor to many international companies on international tax matters and FEMA Advisory services. She can be reached at [email protected] com. TAXPERT Professionals | www. taxpertpro. com [email protected] com 09769134554
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Human Genome essays
Human Genome essays Would the money spent on the human genome project be better spent on feeding the population of the world? There are many problems that are currently facing our world, whether it is the high level of disease, or the problem of famine in many countries. This brings us to an important question. Is it more important to spend huge amounts of money on something that will benefit all of humankind in the future, in this case the Human genome Project, or to spend the money of feeding all the members of the human race? There are many advantages, disadvantages and issues that need to be addressed when attempting to answer this question. Firstly, an introduction of the Human Genome Project. The Human Genome Project is an international scientific organisation thats aim is to gain a basic understanding of the entire genetic blueprint of a human being . The genetic information is found in each cell of the body and encoded in the DNA. This project intends to identify all the genes in the nucleus of a human cell, to establish by a process known as mapping where those genes are located on the chromosomes and to determine by a process known as sequencing, the order of the chemical subunits in the DNA which encode the genetic information. A first working draft has been achieved but plenty of work still needs to be done to identify the thousands of genes and their functions. As the above information would suggest, this process will not happen cheaply. It is rumoured to have a cost of three billion dollars, which would be more then enough to feed the world and prevent the famine that is currently occurring. The following table shows the amount of money that has been spent on the Human Genome Project. It can easily be seen that this amount is very considerable. ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
5 Tips for Taking Notes - Proofread My Papers Academic Blog
5 Tips for Taking Notes - Proofread My Papers Academic Blog 5 Tips for Taking Notes Taking notes is an essential part of studying at college. You’ll need to take notes when you are researching a paper, as well as in class and when you go to lectures or conferences. However, notes are only valuable if you can use them when revising or writing assignments. Here are our top 5 tips to make your notes super useful! 1. Make a Summary When you are taking notes, don’t try to copy down everything that you read. Instead, try to summarize the information in your own words, as this will help you remember it later. If youre taking notes in a lecture and dont have time to write everything out in full as youre listening, leave space at the bottom of the page so you can write a brief summary at the end. 2. Go Back and Highlight A great way to consolidate your notes when you are revising (or preferably before!) is to go back over them and highlight or underline important details. You can even annotate them with more information. 3. Organize! Revision is much simpler if you have filed your notes properly. You can group notes based on date, theme, author or suitability for certain projects. 4. Use Shorthand This doesn’t have to be the kind of technical shorthand used by journalists. Just having a few shortened terms that you understand, such as w/ for ‘with’ and ‘b/’ for ‘because,’ can save valuable time when you are trying to follow a lecture! 5. Don’t Skimp on the References! It may feel like hard work, but get into the habit of writing down the full references for whatever text you are taking notes on. This will make it much easier when you come to using your notes for writing a paper. You can then just copy the full reference into your bibliography as soon as you mention the author.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Emotional Letdown Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Emotional Letdown - Essay Example Dunn (n.d) points out that, there is a middle space that acts like an equilibrium in such a way that, when the emotions are high, then there will be a time they will be pulled down to settle into this space. In other words, the feeling of emotional letdown results from the process of trying to settle to the original situation. In some situations, the problem arises from lack of an alternative goal to pursue or lack of proper fall back plan leading to a worrying kind of situation. For instance, several days after celebrating the attainment of the degree, the graduate starts to feel the challenge of adjusting to the new environment and may start worrying about how to secure employment. The emotional letdown may sometimes result to serious problems like depression if not checked and corrected within a reasonable time. Some symptoms of emotional letdown are a feeling of anxiety or frequent feeling of fear or panic, sometimes for no apparent reason. In some cases, a person may feel hopeless, withdrawn and uninterested in anything, or may even have sleeplessness and lack of appetite; these lead to depression. Moreover, a person may experience frequent flashbacks on events that happened during high times leading to stress and sometimes, the person may engage in alcohol and drugs abuse. When these symptoms persist, then professional attention becomes the only way out. The first step towards moving out of emotional letdown is accepting the situation, and then engaging in a different activity like exercising/fitness even if it seems a tall order, in order to eliminate the negative emotions from the mind (Dunn n.d). Doing a new thing like reading motivational books, enrolling in community activities, joining a college, starting an intellectual project at home, and sporting are important in transforming the negative emotion. In some situations, one should establish a new goal and focus his/her efforts on
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