Friday, September 4, 2020
Free Essays on Social Responsibility
The issues of social duty have gotten more prominent consideration with the coming of extraordinary globalization of business. In spite of the fact that there are burdens to receiving social duty, in spite of the various favorable circumstances of the training. The difficult that emerges from utilizing corporate social duty is that it advances strategies that are straightforwardly government assistance decreasing. Applying standards of corporate duty raises expenses and costs. Regardless of whether it additionally lessens benefits relies upon economic situations. Corporate obligation denies the administrators capacity to concentrate on the organizations objectives and to settle on choices that will profit the investor and the organization. The way in to a fruitful business if picking up benefit. Embracing social obligation diminishes benefit because of the adjustment that an organization may need to improve to their item so as to fulfill general society. There is a lot of spotlight o n social duty. We anticipate that organizations should create products and ventures proficiently and practical, however that doesn't establish social duty to purchasers. The book draws out a few key issues about the disservices of social obligation. Overseeing social orders requests and the associations request will make clashes and issues. Despite the fact that an association may execute the procedure of social duty customers may take a definitive hit. Cost increments can happen because of the adjustment of the item or administration. For instance the cigarette business was amazingly affected by social obligation. Cigarette costs over the most recent 5 years has drastically expanded because of government mediation brought about by social orders requests. Cigarette organizations needed to re-showcase their items. On their notices they needed to put admonitions on their items, clarifying that it might be identified with reasons for malignant growth. The overall population realized that the utilization of tobacco items may cause disease yet they required a break goat. Social responsibili... Free Essays on Social Responsibility Free Essays on Social Responsibility The issues of social duty have gotten more prominent consideration with the approach of serious globalization of business. In spite of the fact that there are impediments to embracing social duty, regardless of the various points of interest of the training. The difficult that emerges from utilizing corporate social obligation is that it advances strategies that are legitimately government assistance lessening. Applying standards of corporate obligation raises expenses and costs. Regardless of whether it additionally lessens benefits relies upon economic situations. Corporate obligation denies the administrators capacity to concentrate on the organizations objectives and to settle on choices that will profit the investor and the organization. The way in to an effective business if picking up benefit. Embracing social duty diminishes benefit because of the adjustment that an organization may need to upgrade to their item so as to fulfill people in general. There is an excessive amount of spotlight on social duty. We anticipate that organizations should create merchandise and enterprises productively and practical, however that doesn't comprise social obligation to buyers. The book draws out a few key issues about the burdens of social duty. Overseeing social orders requests and the associations request will make clashes and issues. Despite the fact that an association may actualize the procedure of social duty customers may take a definitive hit. Cost increments can happen because of the alteration of the item or administration. For instance the cigarette business was incredibly affected by social obligation. Cigarette costs over the most recent 5 years has significantly expanded because of government mediation brought about by social orders requests. Cigarette organizations needed to re-showcase their items. On their notices they needed to put alerts on their items, clarifying that it might be identified with reasons for malignant growth. The overall population realized that the utilization of tobacco items may cause disease however they required a departure goat. Social responsibili...
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Aliens ARE Out There! :: Government Cover-ups Roswell Incident
Outsiders ARE Out There! Â Â Â Â Â Just around 500 years prior individuals accepted that the earth was still level, 50 years back individuals questioned the presence of an outsider life, 5 min prior the individuals of earth accept that outsiders existed. Numerous people far and wide have purportedly been reached by extra earthbound creatures. They charge that Earth is right now being visited by a few distinct types of extra earthbound. These people report that extra terrestrials are visiting the Earth since they are keen on watching the advancement of the human species. This by itself isn't the main explanation we have confidence in the presence of Extraterrestrial life and UFOs. Outsiders alongside UFOs exist on account of Government Cover-ups, The Roswell Incident, Extraterrestrial Laws and Government Projects. The United States government is effectively associated with mystery military undertakings. For national security reasons the military keeps these undertakings mystery from the general population. A few people accept that the US government has just found extra earthly knowledge however decides to keep it escaped the general population. These people accept that the military has recuperated extra earthbound specialty and bodies and might be in customary correspondence with an extra earthbound knowledge. They accept that the legislature and the military are putting forth an admirable attempt to conceal extra earthbound contact from people in general. One mystery the administration conceals is a base known as Area 51, which could contain reality with regards to outsiders. Region 51 is a mystery US army base which lies only outside of Las Vegas, Nevada (USA). Territory 51 is one of the most cryptic places on earth; so mystery that it isn't on any guide and the US government denies its pres ence. The base has for quite some time been accounted for to house extra earthly art and outsider bodies-albeit nobody can affirm these claims. Numerous people have supposedly observed specialty leaving the base around evening time, which can quicken at stunning rate and roll out fast improvements in heading a long ways past any earthbound innovation. Territory 51 was work in the mid 1950's by the CIA to test its top mystery U-2 program. The base was worked for its incredible all year flying conditions, remoteness and level lake bed on which to make runways. Since the time the U-2 program, Area 51 has been the test zone for the most recent mechanical improvements in the US military. Purportedly, Area 51 is the proving ground for another top mystery hypersonic covertness airplane venture called Aurora.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Television Uses and Abuses Essays
TV Uses and Abuses Essays TV Uses and Abuses Essay TV Uses and Abuses Essay TV Uses And Abuses Television is the most noteworthy , valuable and ground-breaking development of twentieth century. It was created by John Logie Baird in 1928. Around 80-90% of the territories of the world have T. V inclusion. T. V leaves better and everlasting impact on the watchers. It is a decent wellspring of amusement. .We can think about the happenings of the world through T. V broadcast. In addition, it is superior to radio and papers. We can tune in ,watch just as read news on T. V while radio and papers dont give us such offices. Different live projects are appeared on T. V like cricket , football , hockey matches and so on. It likewise shows every strict capacity/celebrations and normal preachings of holy people and strict masters. Numerous channels are there on T. V which adds as far as anyone is concerned like business, the travel industry , revelation channels and so forth. Recorded motion pictures are useful for everybody to think about the history. Outstanding amongst other utilization of Television is that there are open instructive stations which help understudies to learn and procure while sitting at there homes. In the event of crisis/earnestness, one can alarm/caution the residents through T. V. Yoga programs appeared on T. V have helped a great many individuals. Live tasks are appeared on T. V like when Hotel Taj (Mumbai) was assaulted by Pakistani fear mongers or when Laden was executed by American Navy. These all greatly affected individuals. Surveying during decisions or tallying of votes or political race results are demonstrated live on T. V. T. V has numerous hindrances moreover. Profane and savage projects or style shows or western films appeared on T. V are bad for youngsters. They become brutal by viewing these motion pictures. They watch these films till late night. Youngsters perform stunts done by experts and some of them have lost their lives additionally because of this. They need items appeared in T. V whether they are fortunate or unfortunate for them. Kids become habitually lazy people since they don't play outside games and eat consistently while watching T. V and it influence their eyes and studies . T. V spreads violence,indiscipline and there is antagonistic effect of western projects. A great deal of time and vitality gets squandered, watching T. V. It has some huge drawbacks likewise like 26/11 assault was demonstrated live overall which helped the Pakistani psychological oppressors to help their accomplices who were in Mumbai . The fear mongers in Mumbai (Hotel Taj) knew everything what was going on outside. Still,in my perspectives favorable circumstances of T. V are more than its drawbacks. The main need is to have discretion. Guardians shouldnt permit their youngsters to sit before T. V for quite a while and watch western movies,as these have debasing effect on youth . Awful advertisements or serials ought to be confined. Because of T. V social associations between individuals have additionally decreased. TV ought to be a Servant and not a Master. However,T. V is a helpful development yet its survey should be for conceivable least length and watchers ought to be picky/specific in observing just valuable projects.
Dramatic Tension in “The Royal Hunt of the Sun†Essay Example for Free
Sensational Tension in â€Å"The Royal Hunt of the Sun†Essay How does Shaffer make and utilize sensational strain in â€Å"The Royal Hunt of the Sun†and to what impact? The Royal Hunt of the Sun is a grasping play about the excursion of the Spanish armed force sent to overcome Peru, and the improbable kinships that are framed. Shaffer makes sensational pressure with various strategies, for example, the utilization of Martin to portray the story to the crowd, a one of a kind and incredible utilization of sounds, and the utilization of representative props and duologue scenes that make emotional incongruity. He additionally utilizes various strategies to show the differences and similitudes of religion, culture and reasoning between the Inca and Spanish armed forces. Shaffer at first uses Martin’s portrayal to portend the following sad occasions. Old Martin produces the audience’s consideration at the very beginning of the play by saying â€Å"This story is about ruin.†This makes emotional incongruity and recommends a slippery and compromising climate. In â€Å"The Mime of the Great Ascent†Old Martin talks about the tribulation the military confronted â€Å"†¦we crawled forward like visually impaired men, the perspiration freezing on our faces†so as to pick up the compassion of the crowd. Old Martin’s feelings are appeared in changed manners all through the play, â€Å"Look at the warrior where he struts†¦ salvation in his new spikes. One of the knights at last.†Here Shaffer utilizes Old Martin’s pessimism and sharpness to misrepresent the loss of Young Martin’s honesty and adolescence and increase the sympathy of the crowd. As the story unfurls, the purpose behind Old Martin’s cynicism turns out to be obvious to the crowd, â€Å"I went out into the night†¦ and dropped my first tears as a man†¦ Devotion never came again.†Here Shaffer utilizes Old Martin’s reflection on his past as a window through which the crowd can perceive how Martin’s broken youth formed him as a man, and uses authenticity to include then in the activity in front of an audience, making tension. Shaffer utilizes stage bearings, which have a major impact in uncovering the imagery of the presentation, and making emotional pressure. The utilization of â€Å"Tropical offer cries†all through the play makes a risky and undermining environment, and clues at the force Atahuallpa has over Peru and the Spanish armed force. During the move of the Spanish Army to arrive at the city, Shaffer usesâ â€Å"an creepy, cold music produced using the dainty cry of immense saws.†This makes a terrifying environment, bothering the crowd. Representative props additionally have a huge impact in making differentiating states of mind all through the exhibition. â€Å"Four dark crosses, honed to look like swords†are set on the back divider, censuring the affectation of the congregation, and the utilization of religion as a guise for executing while speaking to the tangled and savage subject. Over the span of the play, Shaffer utilizes the symbolism of the â€Å"golden sun†which is set at the rear of the stage. â€Å"Diego†¦ drives his halberd into a space in one of the rays.†This represents the decimation of the Inca domain, and indeed stable is utilized to make strain when â€Å"The sun gives a profound moan, similar to the sound of an incredible creature being wounded.†Here the exemplification of the sun makes compassion and sympathy among the crowd. Subside Shaffer utilizes scenes of duologue between the principle characters to give the crowd an understanding into the connections among them, and make emotional incongruity. During the play there are minutes where Pizarro is distant from everyone else with Young Martin, and addresses him in certainty; here the crowd is urged to feel for the characters’ binds and tensions. At the point when Pizarro cautions Young Martin that the Army is â€Å"Nothing however long stretches of Us against Them†the crowd gets mindful of the outrageous contrasts in their sentiments and perspectives, which makes incredible strain and turmoil between the characters. Shaffer empowers Pizarro to unreservedly recommend the degree of is own voracity and selling out during his duologue scenes with Martin, â€Å"if the opportunity at any point arrived for you to harry me, I’d tear you as well, simple as take a gander at you.†Here Shaffer makes progressively pressure, making the crowd question Pizarro’s devotion to Martin, while alluding to the marginally increasingly malicious and resentful side to Pizarro. The duologue scenes among Pizarro and Atahuallpa permit the crowd to see the delicate and individual qualities of the in any case ground-breaking, predominant male figures. From the start Atahuallpa shows his absence of doubt in Pizarro while announcing him unscrupulous â€Å"you have no pledge to give†. Atahuallpa goes out on a limb an and confides in his captor, to the astonishment of the crowd, making an uncomfortable and anxious environment. â€Å"You make me giggle! (In unexpected miracle) You make me laugh!†It is now in the play that Pizarro acknowledges he has shaped a veritable friendshipâ with Atahuallpa, and the crowd feels the strain rise by and by as Pizarro is compelled to choose the destiny of Atahuallpa. A fundamental topic of the play is the complexity between the Inca and Spanish societies. Atahuallpa is almost consistently shown sitting high up before the brilliant sun, demonstrating his capacity and authority, while the Spaniards wore overwhelming, ungainly garments, which represents their ponderousness in the outside land, and their obliviousness of different societies. Domingo says â€Å"God-dammed place. I’m beginning to rust.†This could show of the impropriety and genuine targets of their excursion. The Spanish consider Atahuallpa to be â€Å"just one savage†when in certainty he is the center of the Inca society, this is appeared all through the play. Atahuallpa thinks that its hard to comprehend the Spanish lifestyle as the Incan religion and society was based on ideas and effortlessness as opposed to material riches and increase, making strain. Regardless of numerous distinctions, the two religions have faith in a preeminent being who might become alive once again. Until Pizarro met Atahuallpa, he had lost confidence in all regular religion, and shouted, â€Å"I’m going to kick the bucket! Also, the idea of that dim has spoiled everything for me.†Atahuallpa gave him another feeling of having a place and acquainted him with the Inca religion, â€Å"Believe in me. I will give a word and fill you with joy.†Pizarro discovered this idea alluring and was immediately entranced by Atahuallpa. This makes strain and builds the audience’s enthusiasm for the story. The incredible differentiations between the two societies and the likenesses between the two men make a feeling of secret and rising strain as the story proceeds, this is greatened by the audience’s information that Pizarro should slaughter Atahuallpa. Shaffer utilizes stages bearings, symbolism, sound and portrayal to make a progressing feeling of pressure all through the play, it is incredibly successful. I especially make the most of his utilization of duologue scenes to make strain and permit the crowd to increase a knowledge into the story.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Interpretive Paper on the Bayon Temple Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Interpretive Paper on the Bayon Temple - Essay Example At the focal point of the walled city is the Bayon Temple, speaking to the convergence of paradise and earth. The Bayon Temple is eminent for its enormous stone appearances of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara otherwise called Lokesvara; each stone face looks outwards and oversees every cardinal course. The tranquilly grinning picture is accepted to speak to King Jayavarman himself (DumarCay et al, 2001) . Furthermore, there are fifty-one littler towers encompassing Bayon, each with four countenances of its own. The long dividers encompassing the Bayon Temple bear a one of a kind assortment of bas-alleviation scenes of incredible and verifiable occasions (DumarCay et al, 2001). More than 11,000 cut figures are created on the 1.2 km of divider, their paint currently blurred The Bayon Temple comprised of three plans, for the three degrees of the landmark. The fourth condition of development related to the structure of entries connecting the displays at the first and second levels (DumarC ay et al, 2001). The motivation behind this paper is to decipher the design of the Bayon Temple of Angkor Thom in Cambodia. The relationship of its components, shape, and plan to the temple’s socio-social setting will be inspected. ... The focal ‘mountain’ was a Buddhist asylum containing a huge picture of the Buddha Amitabha, while the four essences of Bodhisatva Lokesvara, ‘the Lord of the World’ decorated its various towers (Figs. 2 and 3) (Eisenstadt, 1971). There is a door in every one of the four sides denoting the restrictions of the city, and a fifth entryway on the East prompts the passage of the imperial royal residence. Like the focal Bayon Temple, and different towers inside the walled city of Angkor, the towers over the doors are additionally delegated with the four-crease appearances of Lokesvara. In this way, the littler universe of the city, and that of the entire Khmer realm were put under the insurance of the ‘Lord of the Universe’ (Eisenstadt, 1971). The grandiose significance of the city was additionally highlighted by the balustrades of the highways driving over the channel to the city entryways. They were comprised of columns of mammoth stone figures spea king to divine beings and devils, holding a huge seven-headed snake (Figs.4, 5, and 6) (Eisenstadt, 1971). By these basic parts and decorations, the whole city spoke to the â€Å"churning of the primitive milk sea by divine beings and evil spirits, when they utilized the snake ruler as a rope and Mount Meru as stirring stick†(Eisenstadt, 1971, p.171). In this manner, the canal around the walled city of Angkor Thom represented the sea, while the Bayon Temple at the focal point of the city which shaped the combining point for all the lines of stirring divine beings and evil presences, spoke to Mount Meru itself. This is depicted in Figs. 4, 5 and 6. As indicated by DumarCay et al (2001), in the building history of antiquated Cambodia, the Bapuon was the last sanctuary mountain built in consistence with the clique of
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Reducing Stress and Avoiding Conflict With Difficult People
Reducing Stress and Avoiding Conflict With Difficult People Stress Management Relationship Stress Print How to Deal With Difficult People and Avoid Conflict By Elizabeth Scott, MS twitter Elizabeth Scott, MS, is a wellness coach specializing in stress management and quality of life, and the author of 8 Keys to Stress Management. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Scott, MS Updated on June 28, 2019 Mixmike / Getty Images More in Stress Management Relationship Stress Effects on Health Management Techniques Situational Stress Job Stress Household Stress Research shows that supportive relationships are good for our mental and physical health. However, dealing with chronically difficult people and maintaining ongoing negative relationships can actually be detrimental to our health. The toll of the stress can affect us emotionally and physically. Because of this, it’s a good idea to diminish or eliminate relationships that are filled with conflict whenever possible. But what do you do if the person in question is a family member, co-worker, or someone you otherwise can’t easily eliminate from your life? The following are tips for dealing with difficult people who are in your life, for better or for worse. Keep Conversations Neutral Avoid discussing divisive and personal issues, like religion and politics, or other issues that tend to cause conflict. If the other person tries to engage you in a discussion that will probably become an argument, change the subject or leave the room. If youre unsure of whether your conversation style is too assertive or not assertive enough, this quiz can help. Accept the Reality of Who They Are In dealing with difficult people, don’t try to change the other person; you will only get into a power struggle, cause defensiveness, invite criticism, or otherwise make things worse. It also makes you a more difficult person to deal with. Know Whats Under Your Control Change your response to the other person; this is all you have the power to change. For example, don’t feel you need to accept abusive behavior. Use assertive communication to draw boundaries when the other person chooses to treat you in an unacceptable way. Create Healthier Patterns Remember that most relationship difficulties are due to a dynamic between two people rather than one person being unilaterally bad. Chances are good that youre repeating the same patterns of interaction over and over; changing your response could get you out of this rut, and responding in a healthy way can improve your chances of a healthier pattern forming. Here’s a list of things to avoid in dealing with conflict. Do you do any of them? Also, here are some healthy communication skills to remember. See the Best In People Try to look for the positive aspects of others, especially when dealing with family, and focus on them. (Developing your optimism and reframing skills can help here!) The other person will feel more appreciated, and you will likely enjoy your time together more. Remember Who Youre Dealing With Seeing the best in someone is important; however, don’t pretend the other person’s negative traits don’t exist. Don’t tell your secrets to a gossip, rely on a flake, or look for affection from someone who isn’t able to give it. This is part of accepting them for who they are. Conflict and Stress in a Relationship Get Support Where You Can Find It Get your needs met from others who are able to meet your needs. Tell your secrets to a trustworthy friend whos a good listener, or process your feelings through journaling, for example. Rely on people who have proven themselves to be trustworthy and supportive, or find a good therapist if you need one. This will help you and the other person by taking pressure off the relationship and removing a source of conflict. Let Go Or Get Space If You Need It Know when it’s time to distance yourself and do so. If the other person can’t be around you without antagonizing you, minimizing contact may be key. If they’re continually abusive, its best to cut ties and let them know why. Explain what needs to happen if there ever is to be a relationship, and let it go. (If the offending party is a boss or co-worker, you may consider switching jobs.) Tips: Try not to place blame on yourself or the other person for the negative interactions. It may just be a case of your two personalities fitting poorly.Remember that you dont have to be close with everyone; just being polite goes a long way toward creating harmony.Work to maintain a sense of humor â€" difficulties will roll off your back much more easily. Shows like The Office, Modern Family and books like David Sedaris Naked can help you see the humor in the dealing with difficult people, especially if theyre people you love.Be sure to cultivate other more positive relationships in your life to offset the negativity that these challenging relationships can bring. How to Deal With Relationship Aggression
Monday, June 22, 2020
Restless in West Egg - Literature Essay Samples
To many Americans, wealth and happiness are inextricably intertwined. After all, the democratic ideals of our country are predicated on the notion of the à ¢Ã‚€ÂÅ"self-madeà ¢Ã‚€? man. Ironically, it is sometimes the striving for wealth or the striving for happiness through wealth that leads to our downfall. In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald presents us with a vivid picture of three different strata of society and their common thirst for wealth. We meet Daisy and Tom Buchanan of the à ¢Ã‚€ÂÅ"old moneyà ¢Ã‚€? community of East Egg; they seem to have everything, yet they lead double lives and destroy others in their quest for excitement and self-fulfillment. On the other side of Manhasset Bay in West Egg resides Jay Gatsby, a newly wealthy man who throws lavish parties and seems to encompass the à ¢Ã‚€ÂÅ"self-madeà ¢Ã‚€? man ideal. However, Gatsby also longs for happiness, in the form of Daisy Buchanan. Situated in the middle of the vast wealth of East and W est Egg is the Valley of Ashes, home to the utterly poor Wilsons. Although the Valley of Ashes is essentially a despair-inducing locale, the Wilsons, envious of the wealth of their surroundings, go to great lengths to try to attain the à ¢Ã‚€ÂÅ"ideal lifeà ¢Ã‚€? that they incorrectly believe East and West Eggers lead. It is thus from these discrete yet connected societies the springs Fitzgeraldà ¢Ã‚€Â™s warning of the superficiality and longing for happiness in the form of wealth that pervades communities of extreme wealth or poverty.Our introduction to the Buchanans begins in their enormous house, a à ¢Ã‚€ÂÅ"nice placeà ¢Ã‚€? (12) that Tom ostentatiously displays to Nick Carraway. Tom and Daisy seem to have everything: secured wealth, a beautiful little girl, and a position in high society. Their immense wealth causes them to believe that they are indestructible and omnipotent; furthermore, they believe that wealth gives them a license to manipulate others. Tom clearly takes Nickà ¢Ã‚€Â™s friendship for granted, for he drags him to the city and expects that Nick will approve of his behavior. With regard to Tomà ¢Ã‚€Â™s insistence that Nick follow him to New York to see Myrtle, Nick remarks, à ¢Ã‚€ÂÅ"The supercilious assumption was that on Sunday afternoon I had nothing better to doà ¢Ã‚€? (28). Ultimately, when Tom and Daisy leave East Egg in the wake of Myrtleà ¢Ã‚€Â™s murder, Tom decides that he no longer needs Nick as a friend and he moves away without notifying him.The superficiality of Tom and Daisyà ¢Ã‚€Â™s marriage is manifested in a longing for something that is à ¢Ã‚€ÂÅ"realà ¢Ã‚€? or à ¢Ã‚€ÂÅ"true.à ¢Ã‚€? Tomà ¢Ã‚€Â™s dissatisfaction and restlessness lead him to pursue an affair with Myrtle Wilson, the poor wife of a gas station owner. In Myrtle, Tom hopes to find adventure or something to ease his boredom. When Myrtle fails to live up to Tomà ¢Ã‚€Â™s expectations, he belie ves that, because she is more of his property than a human, he has the right to discipline her accordingly. After Myrtle refuses to stop saying Daisyà ¢Ã‚€Â™s name despite Tomà ¢Ã‚€Â™s request that she not, Tom, à ¢Ã‚€ÂÅ"making a short deft movement [à ¢Ã‚€Â ¦] broke her nose with his open handà ¢Ã‚€? (41). Myrtle bestows on Tom, her à ¢Ã‚€ÂÅ"sweetieà ¢Ã‚€? (39) much affection and admiration. He, however, shows his arrogance and lack of caring for her when, after Daisy accidentally kills Myrtle, he and Daisy quickly leave East Egg, seemingly without a care for poor Myrtle or Wilson.Across the Bay, in West Egg, Gatsby also leads a superficial life saturated with longing. However, unlike Tom and Daisy, Gatsby knows exactly what will make him happy: Daisyà ¢Ã‚€Â™s love. Gatsby believes that ostentatious displays of wealth and lavish parties will bring Daisy to him. When Daisy visits, he insists on giving her and Nick a tour of his extravagant house: à ¢Ã‚€ÂÅ"We went upstairs, through period bedrooms swathed in rose and lavender silk and vivid with new flowers, through dressing rooms and poolrooms, and bathrooms with sunken bathsà ¢Ã‚€Â ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã‚€? (96). All that Gatsby wants is to à ¢Ã‚€ÂÅ"repeat the past,à ¢Ã‚€? (116) a time when he had Daisy. Ironically though, Gatsby won Daisyà ¢Ã‚€Â™s love when he was a poor soldier. Gatsbyà ¢Ã‚€Â™s sustained efforts to win Daisyà ¢Ã‚€Â™s love and his happiness through money ultimately result in his downfall. It is by association with Daisy and Tom that Gatsby becomes embroiled in the killing of Myrtle Wilson, and that Gatsby is killed by Wilson.Between the lavishness of West Egg and East Egg lies a desolate area inhabited by two appropriately depressed people, Myrtle Wilson and her husband Wilson. The Valley of Ashes is preyed upon by its surrounding wealthier communities. The East and West Eggers use the train station in the Valley of Ashes to get Manhatta n, but they try to spend as little time as possible in this à ¢Ã‚€ÂÅ"terrible placeà ¢Ã‚€? (30). Furthermore, those living in the Valley of Ashes are corrupted by the envy the have for the surrounding communities. Myrtle Wilson has such a strong desire for wealth and what she believes will be ensuing happiness, that she is instantly willing to destroy her relationship with Wilson when she meets Tom on a train. Myrtle is clearly most attracted to Tomà ¢Ã‚€Â™s wealth: à ¢Ã‚€ÂÅ"He had on a dress suit and patent leather shoes and I couldnà ¢Ã‚€Â™t keep my eyes off himà ¢Ã‚€Â ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã‚€? (40) When Myrtle spends time with Tom, she too begins to act like a money-driven, obnoxious East Egger. She tells Nick and her sister that she married Wilson because she à ¢Ã‚€ÂÅ"though he was a gentleman,à ¢Ã‚€? (39) but when she learned that he had à ¢Ã‚€ÂÅ"borrowed somebodyà ¢Ã‚€Â™s best suit to get married in, (39) she rendered him unfit à ¢Ã‚€ÂÅ"to lic k my shoeà ¢Ã‚€? (39). Although Myrtle may think Tom is her à ¢Ã‚€ÂÅ"sweetieà ¢Ã‚€? (39) and be superficially happy when they are together, her desire to sustain her relationship with him ultimately results in her death. As she is rushing away from Wilson to greet the car that she believes Tom is in, with out-flailed arms symbolic of her desire to reach for greater things, she is run over and killed.Through his vivid portrayal of the corruption and superficiality that pervades lives of extreme wealth or extreme poverty, Fitzgerald seems to suggest, through his representation of Nick Carrawayà ¢Ã‚€Â™s middle-class status, what socio-economic class may be à ¢Ã‚€ÂÅ"right.à ¢Ã‚€? Nick lives on West Egg in a à ¢Ã‚€ÂÅ"small eye-soreà ¢Ã‚€? (10) of a house, sandwiched between Gatsbyà ¢Ã‚€Â™s mansion and other luxurious residences. However, unlike the other residents of East and West Egg and the Valley of Ashes, Nickà ¢Ã‚€Â™s desire for wealth is cl early transitory. He refuses a à ¢Ã‚€ÂÅ"fast-moneyà ¢Ã‚€? scheme presented to him by Gatsby because he has no desire to become extremely wealthy through illegal means. Although Nick is surrounded by money, he remains remarkably free of envy for his friendsà ¢Ã‚€Â™ wealth. Furthermore, Nick is the only character who is not restless and who does not long for something that he cannot have. Nick recognizes the à ¢Ã‚€ÂÅ"distortionà ¢Ã‚€? (185) and the money-driven corruption that pervades the lives of Easterners, and he ultimately renders himself à ¢Ã‚€ÂÅ"subtly unadaptable to Eastern lifeà ¢Ã‚€? (184). It is thus that Fitzgerald seems to belie the common wealth-happiness mindset of Eastern Americans, and suggest that happiness cannot be derived from any single concrete factor, but instead from a balanced life.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Protecting Ip And The Ethical Issues Related - 2204 Words
In a world where innovation, technology, and the digital age is moving at such a rapid rate, Intellectual Property (IP) becomes a hot button across business, law and ethics. In like manner, the complications with protecting and managing IP increases. The demand on IP policy has grown from the need to protect a simple invention, such as a light bulb, to the need to protect an idea, a slogan, or even a gene (i.e. biotech). To further complicate things, IP protections are no longer just in the interest of preserving a trade secret; it is now focused on monetary gains, economic strength and a means for businesses to compete. One can only imagine how complex the issues can become when focused on so many issues. This paper will discuss why†¦show more content†¦By striking the right balance between the interests of innovators and the wider public interest, the IP system aims to foster an environment in which creativity and innovation can flourish. Therefore, IP is a critical piece of our country’s economic development, social and cultural welfare. Enforcement of these protections are relied upon in many industries, scientists and not to mention, many artists. It helps to foster competition, betterment, creativity and innovation. In addition, the American consumer benefits as IP ensures they are purchasing products that are safe and effective. Given these points, there is no doubt that IP rights must be protected in order for the U.S. to continue to be productive. One key reason protecting IP is important is its impact on the U.S. job market. IP industries put forty million Americans to work and it is expected that as technology continues to advance, those industries will continue to grow and do so rapidly. This is expected to happen not just in the U.S., but globally. In addition, IP intensive positions tend to pay higher salaries averaging about $50,576 per employee in comparison to the national average of $38,768. (U .S. Chamber of Commerce, 2016) IP is also a key aspect of the overall U.S. Economy. With IP intensive industries accounting for more than one third of the U.S. GDP, it has become key to the country’s economic growth. Currently, U.S. IP is worth $5.8 trillion, more than the nominal
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Civil War And The Antebellum Years From 1845-1861
Many events in the United States helped form the country today. One of the more prominent events was the Civil War and the antebellum years from 1845-1861. Due to expansion in the West, discussions began about how the state was going to join the Union and later the issue of slavery was introduced. Many Northern states sought to halt the spread of slavery into the new territories while Southern states wanted to expand slavery. These disputes lead to bloodshed as the South began to feel that their way of life and source of income was being threatened. The build up from these events during the antebellum years, lead to the secession of states from the Union, and instigated the United States into the furor of the Civil War. The ideas of Manifest Destiny increased movement in the West rapidly. This idea of westward expansion was supported on the belief that Americans were intended to expand the continent. However, this expansion leads to disputes with other countries and nations. The Mexi can-American War commenced because American farmers began to settle in the Mexican territory in the north. Mexico was defeated and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed, causing the Mexicans to give up most of their northern territory to the United States. Obtaining this new territory help achieve a few of the goals of Manifest Destiny, but the issues arose about what to do with all of this new land. A popular topic was the issue of slavery. One of the proposed was the Wilmot Proviso, whichShow MoreRelated The American Renaissance Essay1168 Words  | 5 Pagesinfluential literary works from some of the most brilliant minds in U.S. history, including Ralph Waldo Emersons the Representative Man (1850), Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlett Letter (1850) and The House of Seven Gables (1851), Herman Melvilles Moby-Dick, Henry David Thoreaus Walden (1854), and Walt Whitmans Leaves of Grass (1855). American Renaissance Literary Masterpieces The American Renaissance, a literary and cultural period circa extending from 1820 to the mid-1860s, gainedRead MoreOrigin Of And Role Played By Manifest Destiny1323 Words  | 6 PagesOrigin of and Role Played by Manifest Destiny John O’Sullivan, a newspaper editor, coined the term Manifest Destiny in 1845. Since then, scholars have used the term to refer to the expansionistic excitement that defined the 1840s. During that time, the United States’ population had more than quadrupled and Americans believed God had destined that they span the entire North America from one coast to the other. Although the term â€Å"Manifest Destiny†was used to typify the 1840s American expansionistic exuberanceRead MoreJefferson Davis And The American Civil War1285 Words  | 6 PagesJefferson Davis lived from (1808-1889) and was a Mexican War hero, a U.S. senator from Mississippi, and U.S. secretary of war and president of the Confederate States of America for the duration of the American Civil War (1861-1865). Prior to the start of the war, Davis had argued against secession, but when Mississippi seceded he resigned from the U.S. Senate. In February 1861 he was elected president of the Confederacy st ates. Davis faced difficulties throughout the war as he struggled controlRead MoreWomen s Movements During Post Revolution Ideals Of The World1864 Words  | 8 PagesAntebellum Reforms in Women’s Movements Post revolution ideals of the world were drastically altered by the emergence of the first republican government and the virtues it espoused; this cultivated Republican Motherhood, the idea that in this new society, men had to grow to be citizens with republican morals and it was the woman’s responsibility to become an educated, rational and virtual being to enforce these ideals upon children in order to foster a republican society. This eventually led toRead MoreTo What Extent Was Slavery the Cause of the American Civil War?4178 Words  | 17 Pagesthe period 1763-1865, how far was the American Civil War caused by long term divisions over the issue of slavery? In his second inaugural address in March 1865, Abraham Lincoln looked back at the beginning of the Civil War four years earlier all knew, he said, that slavery was somehow the cause of the war. This essay will endeavour to discuss the role of long term divisions caused by the slavery debate in the eventual outbreak of the Civil War. In doing so this analysis will encompass theRead MoreChild Rearing (19th Century)6310 Words  | 26 Pagesbackgrounds. In the end I will introduce a contemporary author who wrote his book from a different perspective and is today considered a classic. 2. Heman Humphrey Heman Humphrey was born on 26 March 1779 in Connecticut and died on 3 April 1861 in Massachusettes. He was married to Sophia Porter and worked as a member of the clergy, as well as a writer and functioned as the second president of Amherst College (1823-1845), which was founded in 1821 as a teaching institution for missionaries thatRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pages Agricultural and Pastoral Societies in Ancient and Classical History Jack Metzgar, Striking Steel: Solidarity Remembered Janis Appier, Policing Women: The Sexual Politics of Law Enforcement and the LAPD Allen Hunter, ed., Rethinking the Cold War Eric Foner, ed., The New American History. Revised and Expanded Edition E SSAYS ON _ T WENTIETH- C ENTURY H ISTORY Edited by Michael Adas for the American Historical Association TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS PHILADELPHIA Temple
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The University Of Nebraska At Omaha ( Uno ) - 1210 Words
For the last year and a half, I have had the privilege of studying Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii), an apicomplexan parasite. This parasite infects an estimated 30-50% of adults worldwide, most of whom are unaware of their infection. Because it is a close cousin of Plasmodium falciparum, the cause of human malaria, it is also considered a model organism for malaria, a disease that claims the lives of over a million people a year. Thanks to this close relationship, a drug-like compound that has efficacy against one organism will likely have efficacy against the other as well. This research experience lead me to develop a great interest in biomedical research, prompting me to continue on in the same laboratory for my Master’s degree, which I†¦show more content†¦gondii in a forward genetic screen of a library of compounds, which was published in â€Å"Chemical Genetics of Plasmodium falciparum†. The portion of the project that my thesis involved was the random mut agenesis of parasites using the chemical mutagen ethyl methanesulfonate to generate a population of parasites that contained every possible mutation within their genome. Then drug pressure was applied to these populations to identify the KG3-resistant populations of parasites. The resistance of these parasites was assessed via their IC50. As a result of this project, I have learned a number of laboratory skills, including cell culture, genetic manipulation, compound preparation, and fluorescence-based IC50 assays. The overall project is ongoing, and is now a portion of my master’s thesis. The other major project of my undergraduate career was investigating the effects of testosterone on T. gondii growth both in vivo and in vitro. Preliminary data produced by our lab had shown testosterone to have an effect on T. gondii growth in vitro. This effect was not confirmed, thus we proposed an experiment to test the in vitro effects on a larger scale, allowing statistical significanc e to be established. If testosterone were to have an effect on the growth of the parasite, the options for treatment could be expanded through further scientific inquiry. For the in vitro portion of the study, much of my work was focused on a plaque assay. This is an assay that allows
National Guard troops Free Essays
The United States is actively protecting its borders from terrorists, drug dealers, and increasingly, Mexicans. I would have said immigrants, in place of Mexicans, but I do not think this would be completely accurate. After all, President Bush recently said that he was sending National Guard troops to the Mexican – American border, not all the borders around our country. We will write a custom essay sample on National Guard troops or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is an interesting question how much this administration really cares about protecting the borders. One would think that if they were concerned about terrorism as much as they say, and take steps such as tapping domestic phone lines, keeping records of phone call of millions of Americans, and actively infiltrating and observing citizen groups that oppose them, then this administration would have militarized the borders long ago. But this has not been the case. It has not been until the beginning of an election year that this has become an issue. Millions of illegal immigrants have been streaming across our borders non-stop since the attacks on the World Trade Center, one would think that this would be the easiest way for any terrorist group to infiltrate the United States. But judging from this administration’s actions thus far, they do not seem to think so. There are many worse people that could easily find their way into our country than the average Mexican. The concern about border security should not focus on Mexicans, it should focus on terrorists groups that wish to do the country harm. The resources of the spy agencies of the United States should not be focused on American citizens and the imagined threat from â€Å"eco-terrorists. †It should be focused on stopping those individuals that truly wish to do this country harm from doing so. How to cite National Guard troops, Papers
Receivable Accounts Payable Of The Company â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Receivable Accounts Payable Of The Company? Answer: Introducation After observing the Balance Sheet and Trial Balance of Zen Drop Limited for the year ended 30 September 2017, I would like to highlight some of the major financial factors of the company. From the balance sheet of Zen Drop Limited, I have noticed that the total amount of cash in bank is 9720110. While comparing the current assets and liabilities of Zen Drop Limited, I have seen that the total amount of current assets is higher than the total amount of current liabilities. In case of the accounts receivable and accounting payable of the company, I have observed that the total amount of accounts receivable is higher than the total amount of accounts payable of the company (Anjum and Malik 2013). This is a strong financial indicator for Zen Drop Limited that it has the sufficient liquidity position to pay the business creditors. From this, I have concluded that the liquidity position of the company is good as Zen Drop Limited has the financial capability to pay its current obligations ( Holden, Jacobsen and Subrahmanyam 2014). I would also like to mention the fact the overall financial position of Zen Drop Limited is in good shape as the total assets of Zen Drop Limited is higher than its total liabilities. I have also observed the fact that the amount of share capital is more than that of non-current liabilities that is loans. From this, it is clear that the capital structure of Zen Drop Limited consists more of share capital that long-term borrowing (Dalal 2013). This aspect reduces the financial risk of the company and Zen Drop Limited does not have to bear large business of interest expenses (Jain, Singh and Yadav 2013). Hence, based on the above discussion, I would like to mention the fact that the financial position of Zen Drop Limited is in good condition as the company has strong liquidity position and the proportion of share capital is more in the capital structure of Zen Drop Limited. References Anjum, S. and Malik, Q.A., 2013. Determinants of corporate liquidity-An analysis of cash holdings.Journal of Business and Management,7(2), pp.94-100. Dalal, G., 2013. Capital Structure Decisions.Journal of Business Management Social Sciences Research (JBMSSR) ISSN, (2319-5614). Holden, C.W., Jacobsen, S. and Subrahmanyam, A., 2014. The empirical analysis of liquidity.Foundations and Trends in Finance,8(4), pp.263-365. Jain, P.K., Singh, S. and Yadav, S.S., 2013. Capital Structure Decisions. InFinancial Management Practices(pp. 77-158). Springer India.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Not Today by BTS free essay sample
BTSconsisting of the band members Jungkook, V, Jin, Rap Monster, Suga, Jimin, and J-Hopeare from South Korea. The Korean boy band focuses on K-pop, with the twist of English in their lyrics. Starting with Skool Luv Affair Special Addition to Love Yourself: Her, the beats of tech, pop, and rap have combined together to create these outstanding albums that satisfy their fans. From the album â€Å"You Never Walk Alone†, there is a song that gives off this strong message of winning that some might mistake for boasting. â€Å"Not Today†is a song that tells all the weaklings that today is their day to fight. Using the lyrics â€Å"All the underdogs in the world/ A day may come when we lose/ But it is not today/ Today we fight!†, BTS sends the message that as weak as you are, you have some fight in you and with that, there is hope for a better you. We will write a custom essay sample on Not Today by BTS or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page â€Å"If you can’t fly, run/ Today we will survive/ If you can’t run, walk/ Today we will survive/ If you can’t walk, crawl/†conveys that if we run into an obstacle, then it is our job to be sure there are other choices we can make to escape that fate. With the touching and understanding lyrics of â€Å"Forget about the fear in your eyes/ Let go of what scares you/†swoons the audience by the meaning that fear shouldn’t overpower us and instead it should be our motivator. Repetitions such as â€Å"Point, aim, shoot!†makes fans go wild because this lyrical line is the line in which is the entire motivation in the song. This means that they’ll shoot down those who make them feel weak and target their fears. Also with â€Å"We won’t die, don’t ask/ Scream, not not today/ Don’t kneel, we won’t cry/ Hands up, not not today/ Hey not not today/ Hey not not today/ Hey not not today†emphasizes that BTS is not willing to give up on what they worked so hard for. â€Å"Not not today! Not, not today!/ Hey crow-tits, everyone, hands up/ Hey friends, hands up/ Hey, if you trust me, hands up†Is also conveying that no matter who you are what your beliefs are, you are still in the fight and should trust the people around you. The fast, pounding rhythm in â€Å"Not Today†which is made into more prospect with the stomping choreography. The entire band is being chased and shot at, making the whole message of the song fit snugly with its lyrics. Behind the scenes, the Korean boys express how much fun it was to film the music video and love filming for ARMY, their fan base. â€Å"Not Today†has been one of the longest music video duration due to the need for the choreography to be perfect. They filmed the intro scene over and over again, the scene where BTS is being chased by black ninja figures and are being shot at from off screen. It was due to Rap Monster and V no t being able to â€Å"fall like a wounded man†. The director kept commenting on Jungkook and Suga that they really are dancers because they made falling look delicate. Personally, I believeâ€Å"Not Today†is one of BTS’ most dedicated work ever done by BTS. With the sudden boldness that shook all of ARMY, BTS has won many awards this past year. With the clash of a New Zealand background with determined loud music, this particular piece has become even more spectacular than it was when they released the song. I give BTS, â€Å"Not Today†five stars due to my new knowledge of K-pop and BTS doing an amazing job to impress my bitter judgment.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Albert Eisnstien Essays - Albert Einstein, Einstein Family
Albert Eisnstien ALBERT EINSTEIN Of all the scientists to emerge from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries there is one whose name is known by almost all living people. While most of these do not understand this man's work, everyone knows that its impact on the world of science is astonishing. Yes, many have heard of Albert Einstein's General Theory of relativity, but few know about the intriguing life that led this scientist to discover what some have called, The greatest single achievement of human thought. Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany on March 14, 1874. Before his first birthday, his family had moved to Munich where young Albert's father, Hermann Einstein, and uncle set up a small electro-chemical business. He was fortunate to have an excellent family with which he held a strong relationship. Albert's mother, Pauline Einstein, had an intense passion for music and literature, and it was she that first introduced her son to the violin in which he found much joy and relaxation. Also, he was very close with his younger sister, Maja, and they could often be found in the lakes that were scattered about the countryside near Munich. As a child, Einstein's sense of curiosity had already begun to stir. A favorite toy of his was his father's compass, and he often marvelled at his uncle's explanations of algebra. Although young Albert was intrigued by certain mysteries of science, he was considered a slow learner. His failure to become fluent in German until the age of nine even led some teachers to believe he was disabled. Einstein's post-basic education began at the Luitpold Gymnasium when he was ten. It was here that he first encountered the German spirit through the school's strict disciplinary policy. His disapproval of this method of teaching led to his reputation as a rebel. It was probably these differences that caused Einstein to search for knowledge at home. He began not with science, but with religion. He avidly studied the Bible seeking truth, but this religious fervor soon died down when he discovered the intrigue of science and math. To him, these seemed much more realistic than ancient stories. With this new knowledge he disliked class even more, and was eventually expelled from Luitpold Gymnasium being considered a disruptive influence. Feeling that he could no longer deal with the German mentality, Einstein moved to Switzerland where he continued his education. At sixteen he attempted to enroll at the Federal Institute of Technology but failed the entrance exam. This forced him to study locally for one year until he finally passed the school's evaluation. The Institute allowed Einstein to meet many other students that shared his curiosity, and It was here that his studies turned mainly to Physics. He quickly learned that while physicists had generally agreed on major principals in the past, there were modern scientists who were attempting to disprove outdated theories. Since most of Einstein's teachers ignored these new ideas, he was again forced to explore on his own. In 1900 he graduated from the Institute and then achieved citizenship to Switzerland. Einstein became a clerk at the Swiss Patent Office in 1902. This job had little to do with physics, but he was able to satiate his curiosity by figuring out how new inventions worked. The most important part of Einstein's occupation was that it allowed him enough time to pursue his own line of research. As his ideas began to develop, he published them in specialist journals. Though he was still unknown to the scientific world, he began to attract a large circle of friends and admirers. A group of students that he tutored quickly transformed into a social club that shared a love of nature, music, and of course, science. In 1903 he married Mileva Meric, a mathematician friend. In 1905, Einstein published five separate papers in a journal, the Annals of Physics. The first was immediately acknowledged, and the University of Zurich awarded Einstein an additional degree. The other papers helped to develop modern physics and earned him the reputation of an artist. Many scientists have said that Einstein's work contained an imaginative spirit that was seen in most poetry. His work at this time dealt with molecules,
Thursday, March 5, 2020
EstadÃÂsticas y Datos Migratorios en Estados Unidos
Estadà sticas y Datos Migratorios en Estados Unidos Para finales del aà ±o 2018 habà a en Estados Unidos alrededor de 44 millones de inmigrantes, entre legales e ilegales. Esta cifra supone que el 13.5 por ciento de la poblacià ³n proviene de otros lugares del mundo, y que uno de cada cinco inmigrantes elige a Estados Unidos como su destino final. Los Paà ses con Mayor Nà ºmero de Inmigrantes De acuerdo a estudios del Pew Research Center, en el aà ±o 2016 los porcentajes de inmigrantes por paà s se distribuà an de la siguiente manera: Mà ©xico con el 11.6 por cientoIndia con el 2.4 por cientoChina, Taiwan y Hong Kong con el 2.7 por cientoFilipinas con el 1.9 por cientoEl Salvador con el 1.4 por ciento Para el aà ±o 2018, Mexico, Cuba, China, India, Repà ºblica Dominicana, y las Filipinas eran los paà ses de origen del mayor nà ºmero de nuevos residentes permanentes legales. Inmigracià ³n Legal de Acuerdo al Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS) De acuerdo al informe del aà ±o 2018 del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional, 264.000 inmigrantes obtuvieron su residencia legal durante el primer semestre del aà ±o. El nà ºmero de inmigrantes nuevos en llegar al paà s cayà ³ en un 18 por ciento respecto al aà ±o 2017, con un total de nuevas llegadas de 124.000 personas. La mayorà a de nuevos residentes permanentes legales se hizo a su tarjeta de residencia a travà ©s de un familiar inmediato ciudadano de Estados Unidos (casi el 44 por ciento); otro 18 por ciento se hizo a su tarjeta de residencia por pertenecer a una categorà a de preferencia familiar. Otra manera de acceder a un estatus legal de residencia fue a travà ©s de la peticià ³n de refugio y asilo. Para el aà ±o 2018 los paà ses de origen con mayor nà ºmero de refugiados eran Bhutan, la Repà ºblica Democrtica del Congo, Burma, Ucrania, Eritrea, y Rusia. Los ciudadanos de Bhutan y los del Congo componen el 29 y el 22 por ciento de las admisiones por asilo. Para el aà ±o 2018 el presidente Trump habà a disminuido el nà ºmero de admitidos por asilo a 45.000, con restricciones para ciudadanos de Chad, Irn, Libia, Corea del Norte, Somalia, Yemen y Venezuela. La caracterà stica principal del asilo es que se puede solicitar en la frontera o en el interior del paà s. Otros caminos para hacerse a una residencia legal fueron a travà ©s de una peticià ³n realizada por una empresa o institucià ³n por razà ³n de empleo; la loterà a de visas de la diversidad, la visa U para và ctimas de violencia, y los programas VAWA, para mujeres và ctimas de violencia domà ©stica. Para octubre del 2018 se habà an recibido en total al rededor de 5.668.000 peticiones para adquirir estatus legal, con una aprobacià ³n de 4.901.000. Para ms detalles de divisià ³n por categorà a se puede consultar el formato en la pgina del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional del perà odo fiscal FY18. Ingresos legales temporales La mayorà a de ingresos a Estados Unidos que no son relativos a inmigracià ³n, suceden por turismo, trabajo, deporte, inversià ³n, entretenimiento, y estudios. En el rea de turismo hay 38 paà ses con una autorizacià ³n para viajar sin visa (adems de los ciudadanos de Canad). Para el resto, se exige la visa B2 o la combinada B1/B2. Adems, para los mexicanos que residen a lo largo de la frontera con EE.UU. es posible utilizar una tarjeta especial de acceso. La segunda manera de ingreso ms popular, con el diez por ciento, es la de negocios, para la que se utiliza la visa B1. En tercer lugar estn las visas de trabajo temporal, como la la TN para mexicanos y canadienses, la L-1 para transferencia dentro de una multinacional y la H-1B para profesionales. En à ºltimo lugar, estn las visas de estudiante F-1 y F-3. Ingresos Ilegales, Detenciones y Remociones Se estima que hay once millones de migrantes indocumentados en Estados Unidos, de los cuales 800.000 se beneficiaban del programa DACA creado por Obama, que impedà a su deportacià ³n y les permità a obtener permiso de trabajo. Para regularizar la situacià ³n de los indocumentados hay procesos muy complejos, y hay que analizar cada caso dependiendo de las circunstancias particulares. Desde enero del 2017, cuando el presidente Trump entrà ³ al cargo, la detencià ³n de ilegales indocumentados ha aumentado en un 42 por ciento, especialmente en Florida, el norte de Texas y Oklahoma. En el mismo sentido se ha producido una disminucià ³n en el nà ºmero de arrestos en la frontera con Mà ©xico de migrantes que cruzan ilegalmente la frontera ya que cada vez lo intentan menos. Asà , en los primeros tres meses del FY2018 (octubre a diciembre de 2017), fueron expulsados en la frontera sur un total de 109.544 migrantes. El muro y la frontera Ms de 3.000km de frontera separa EE.UU. y Mà ©xico, en un tercio de la misma hay vaya separadora. La construccià ³n del muro a lo largo de toda la frontera es una de las promesas electorales de Trump pero que no tiene, al menos por ahora, financiacià ³n y est siendo fuertemente contestada por las organizaciones defensoras de migrantes y tambià ©n por los efectos medioambientales, por los efectos perjudiciales que se estima que tendrà a. Este artà culo es meramente informativo. No pretende ser asesorà a legal para ningà ºn caso en particular.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Diabetes in the Young Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Diabetes in the Young - Research Paper Example Pathophysiology of Type 2 Diabetes Research of type 2 diabetes in the young adults and children continues to provide insightful information about the pathophysiology of the disease. Qualified researchers attribute susceptibility to the disease to both genetic and environmental factors (Eppens & Craig, 2006). Inherited genes might predispose an individual to a combination of failure of beta-cell secretion and insensitivity to insulin produced (Eppens & Craig, 2006). This means that individuals with a history of this disease have increased chances of contracting it compared to individuals with no record of type 2 diabetes in their family. 45-80% of these children have a parent suffering from type 2 diabetes. 74-90% of the reported children cases show that they have the 1st or 2nd degree relative suffering from the disease (Eppens & Craig, 2006). Some researchers might also argue that women have a higher chance of contracting the disease than men (Eppens & Craig, 2006). Other genetic fa ctors that increase the person’s susceptibility to the disease are intrauterine exposure to diabetes, puberty, low birth-weight, and ethnicity (Eppens & Craig, 2006). ... For example, the continuous advancement in the technology industry induces laziness among the young adults and children, who would rather engage themselves in computer games indoors instead of riding a bicycle outside. As a result, the levels of obesity among the young have skyrocketed over the years, increasing their chances of developing type 2 diabetes (Kaufman, 2002). Obesity affects the body by overworking all the organs. In addition, the high cholesterol levels also clog up the blood vessels, causing a disruption in the supply of essential enzymes and nutrients in the body (Kaufman, 2002). Brief literature review focusing on current research The American Pediatric Board described type 2 diabetes as the new epidemic affecting the pediatric population. The incidence and prevalence rates have increased by 33% between 1990 and 2000 (Kaufman, 2002). Research shows that the disease accounted for 16% of new pediatric diabetes recorded in the urban areas in 1992, and by 1999 the record s showed up to 8- 45 % increase in new cases as per the geographic location (Kaufman, 2002). Further research reveals that ethnicity plays a crucial role in the susceptibility patterns of the disease. Mainly people of African-American, Native-American, Asian-American, and Mexican-American descent suffer from type 2 diabetes. For example, African-American children represent 70-75% of new pediatric patients of type 2 diabetes in Ohio and Arkansas (Kaufman, 2002). Very limited information is available about effective evidence-based treatment. However, National Institute of Health has recently disbursed funding to a multicenter consortium charged with the responsibility of determining the outcomes of the different treatment regimens
Monday, February 3, 2020
The Energy Problem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Energy Problem - Essay Example "We think that the recent run-up in gasoline prices has significantly increased the likelihood that we will see another gas crisis in the near future. This is regardless of whether there is a true shortage, or if it's just panic buying that takes hold. Don't be surprised to see gasoline rationing being put in place as soon as this occurs, whether it is imposed by the retailers, or by the government. Don't be surprised to see long lines at the pumps, a la 1972." (The Coming Gasoline Crisis). This paper will deal with the gasoline crisis and it will compare the cost of production of Gasoline to Ethanol in order to suggest a solution to this problem. The conclusion will sum up the major points of the paper. "In 2003, the U.S. Department of Agriculture surveyed 21 dry-mill ethanol plants to estimate their 2002 production costs, including both variable (feedstock and plant operation) and capital expenses. These plants produced about 550 million gallons of ethanol in 2002. Net feedstock costs for the surveyed plants ranged from 39 to 68 cents per gallon in 2002. For cash operating expenses, the average energy expenditure was 17.29 cents per gallon. Labor costs ranged from 3 to 11 cents per gallon, maintenance costs from 1 to 7 cents, and administrative costs from 1 to 18 cents. For capital expenditures, new plant construction costs from $1.05 to $3.00 per gallon of ethanol." (Ethanol). There has been a significant rise in the production of Ethanol over the years, the facts speak for themselves and it is found that only 200 million gallons were produced in the year 1980, on the other hand the year 2004 saw a high increase in this figure, it was found that 200 million of Ethanol was produced during the year, the same also gave rise to the no of Ethanol plants. Way back in 1980s Ethanol was only produced as a fuel meant to extend the supply of gasoline. "In 2004, more than 80 percent of the ethanol produced was used in State oxygen-mandated markets and in a winter-oxygenated program. The rest was used to enhance the octane rating in gasoline throughout the United States. Ethanol production has also been boosted by improved technologies for growing corn, a major input; corn yields increased an average of 40 percent per acre from 1979-81 to 2002-04." (Ethanol). When the operational cost of Ethanol is taken into account, it basically involves two factors, namely capital costs and variable costs. Some of the components which come under variable costs include electricity, water etc. This is called variable cost because it never remains constant, the price keeps varying. As far as the largest operating expenses are concerned, it was found that in the year 2002 on an average 17.29 cents per gallon of ethanol was produced, which is way too high. In the Capital costs segment it was found that "For new plants, construction costs ranged from $1.05 to $3.00 per gallon of ethanol. The average cost of building new plants is lower than in the past, possibly due to designs that exploit economies of scale. Of the 21 plants responding to the survey, 16 increased their capacity in 2002 by a combined 253 million gallons per year. Average investment to expand
Sunday, January 26, 2020
English Language And Global Identity English Language Essay
English Language And Global Identity English Language Essay With increasing popularity of English language as a second language it makes it a global language rather than a regional or a national language. The learning and use of English language also brings new identities along with it. This can be seen more comprehensively in the past two decades; as we can relate to global icons more than before, we have more global identities now. We can relate to English music, Hollywood movies, Global Icons, Heroes, Global brands etc. As Crystal (2000) stresses Language as the primary symbol of identity. When two persons of different nationalities or different origins meet; the first thing they bring together in the conversation is the use of a language which connects these two persons. Hence language is used as the bridge between two unknown persons for communication; giving them some type of identity and means to communicate. In recent years, English language has been used as a global language for communication between different nationalities hence increasing the importance and influence of English language. But the question arises if its possible to adopt a new identity without losing your original (or first) identity. A number of studies in the field of social psychology have shown that immigrants can feel emotionally attached to the new country without losing their attachment to their homeland (Harris 1980). In other words, in short term it might be possible to learn a new different language in isolation and without adopting new identity (or identities) related to that language or culture associated with it but in long term using this language with other people to communicate does bring changes in ones perceptions of identity and also brings new identities to an individual. According to a study by Goffman (1963) the personal identity is defined by how others identify us but not how we identify ourselves. Identity, language and second language learning The concept of identity is a rather loose one. This is evidenced by the fact that various dictionaries and articles seem to give different and slightly vague definitions. From the fact of being who or what a person or thing is ( to the state or fact of being the same on as described (, authors seem to struggle when trying to be precise with what elements constitute an identity. For that reason we particularly like a more open (but less vague) statement that defines an identity as the set of attributes describing (an aspect of) a person ( Koch 2002). This set of attributes tend to diverge depending on the specialized literature, and though is debatable whether or not a particular element constitute part of an identity, there seems to be a general agreement and understanding on the importance that a language has when giving form or description to a particular identity. It remains unclear if it is strictly necessary to be able speak a language (o r how deep is the knowledge of that language) to form an identity. According to (Love Ansaldo 2010) a native speaker is someone born and brought up from birth to speak a given language. A person is a native speaker if he/she is brought up in a family where the parents or other adults had the same experience with the same language during their upbringing. Hence, if you are a native speaker of a language that particular language is referred to as your mother tongue. However, these links between language and identity tend to refer to the mother languages and not so much about newly acquired ones. When it comes to second language learning, the effects of this language on the speakers identity depend on the reasons and level of assimilation of the language. According to the literature on Second Language Learning (SLL) (or Second Language Acquisition (SLA)), second language learners (L2) and foreign language learners have as main reasons for learning a second language family, profession, communication, personal interest and by requirements of an educational system. In addition, the variables age, language and personal engagement play an enormous role on the level of knowledge of a secondary language and to a certain extent to the way that it affects our identity (- Piller, -2002). Accordingly, if an individual is learning a language with motivation, that individual gets engaged in the process and perceives that knowledge as a benefit for the future, the level of assimilation of the language and its cultural background will have a deeper impact on his/her identity. On the contrary, if the reasons to learn a secondary language are imposed and are deemed as useless, that language will have a very limited impact on the personal identity. National Perspectives on learning English language as a second language India India is rich in languages.  There are 18 major languages spoken in India and over 1600 regional languages. Even though Hindi is the official language. English has been with India since the early 1600s, when the East India Company started trading and English missionaries first began their efforts. A large number of Christian schools imparting an English education were set up by the early 1800s. The process of producing English-knowing bilinguals in India began with the Minute of 1835, which officially endorsed T.B. Macaulays goal of forming a class who may be interpreters between us and the millions whom we govern a class of persons, Indians in blood and colour, but English in taste, in opinion, in morals and in intellect (quoted in Kachru 1983, p. 22). English became the official and academic language of India by the early twentieth century. The rising of the nationalist movement in the 1920s brought some anti-English sentiment with it even though the movement itself used English as its medium. English is the second major language spoken in India and is used for much of the official business. It is the official language of the judiciary. Many people prefer to use English as a common language. A large percentage of people in India can speak and read English. English is also extensively used in education .The school education in the country is basically divided into two different categories. I.e. primary, secondary. Primary Consists from grade one to five, Secondary consists grade six to tenth. The school education available in three languages formats. One is state language format, another in national language format and English format. Choice depends on students. If choose State or National language format in school education, English start at secondary level. Choose English it starts from primary level. But graduation and after level it must be study in English. English is the most commonly used language of international commerce, politics, science, diplomacy, and the most commonly used language on the Internet. English is such a language having an international status and can provide the best medium to interact with outside world. India is a peace-loving country and wants to spread the same message to all countries of the world. We have to explain and convince friendly nations our point of view. Present Indian deal with export business   worldwide like software, textiles, chemicals, telecommunication hardware, food grains, iron and steel, consumer durables and electronics, Jewelers. To communicate with worldwide clients we require common language. In India is now seen as a major centre for software development. A significant number of international software companies have set up branches in India. English is the main language used in computing and Indian software engineers are proficient in English. My point of view, English is good language for communication to worldwide. A person who knows English is considered better educated. Such a person has a higher social status and may aspire for a better job. At present, most of students   taking English medium at primary level, but they are not studying state language and National language. English has changed Indian languages in many ways mostly through the incorporation of new words.  I would simply love to see all schools become English medium schools that teach the mother tongue as a compulsory second language. Pakistan The British ruled the Indian subcontinent (comprising of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc.) for almost two hundred years from 1756 1947. After the independence, the two newly formed countries inherited quite a few things from British Rule i.e. Army Structure, Train System, Governing Models, English Language, Civil Services etc. Pakistan adopted some of these things and one such thing is English Language. The country has two official languages: Urdu and English. Though Urdu is also the national language of the country; but it is English language which is substantially used in official communication at the Government level (also in Judiciary, the Legislature, and Civil Services etc.) The countrys constitution and its laws are written in English and the Legislature (National Assembly or/and The Senate) uses English language for amending existing laws or introducing any new laws. English is also extensively used in education. The school education in the country is basically divided into three different categories i.e. Primary, Middle, and High. Primary Consists from grade one to five, Middle from grades six to eight and High school consists of Grades nine and ten. The English language is compulsory at all three levels which mean that every student has to take an English language course for at least first ten years of his or her education. The education system especially in big cities is English based and every course is taught in English except Urdu Language course of course. The country also has another education system which runs in parallel to the Public education and often termed as Private Education (or Private Schools). Its education, curriculum and examination are mostly based on Cambridge International Examinations. The percentage of students going through this system is far less than the other system because of several reasons. But the general percep tion in the country about English language and Private education is thought to be Elite. English is also been used in businesses and corporations quite broadly. The private organizations especially multi nationals run their daily business based on English language. The products and services available for a consumer often give offers, ingredients, help in both English and Urdu. The mode of communication in offices at these workplaces is English. The policies, mission, vision, code of conduct etc developed by these organizations is often in English. Most of the times job interviews are conducted in English language and the candidates command over English language is one of the main factors being considered during the hiring process. When we look at the entertainment industry of the country; we find English very common there too. Cinemas show most of the newly released Hollywood movies and there is a big following of these movies; most of these cinema-goers are students, youth, middle class young families, working class in private sectors etc. New generation authors coming up with amazing pieces of art in English language Mohsin Hamid is one fine example with his The Reluctant Fundamentalist winning several awards including Anisfield -Wolf Book Award. The newly promoted English theatre industry has been growing pretty fast especially in the big cities like Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, Multan etc. The cable T.V and internet has also played their part in this whole phenomenon. There are few English based local T.V channels and so many other channels air English programs on regular basis. Most of the youth are addicted to English (could be American, British, Australian By English I mean based on English language) T .V shows, movie channels, music etc. In our view, this growing influence of English language in Pakistani culture and identity has fruitful consequences as it makes the people learn and speak another language, be communicative with the outside world especially to remove wrong perceptions about the country and people of Pakistan and promote the positive aspects of the country. But this phenomenon also brings some tricky issues like diminishing use of Urdu language; perceptions about Urdu being language of poor and working class. We cannot deny the growing importance of English language especially in the last decade or so making it a global language but for Pakistan and its people presence of English language in different facets of life is a very positive sign as long as there is a healthy balance between the two official languages of the country. Bangladesh From the government point of view Bangla is the national- official language of Bangladesh and English is the most important foreign language. But in reality English is the second language of the country and in many places English is more important than Bangla in Bangladesh. Constitution: About the language of the country the Bangladeshi constitution clearly states: The state language of the Republic is [Bangla]. In the constitution nothing is mentioned about the status of English. English is not mentioned as a second language or official language. But many important government documents are written both in Bangla and English. The parliament proceedings are kept into these two languages. When a government body organizes a fair then often the souvenir is published in English. English in Law court in Bangladesh: After Independence the government took the initiative to implement Bangla language in law court. As a result, now the lower courts carry out their activities in Bangla but English is yet very influential in High Court and Supreme Court. If a lawyer wants to practice in Supreme Court then he must have a good command over English language. Many of the judges still give their verdicts in English language. It seems that this trend of using English will remain for the forcible future. English in Education sector in Bangladesh: Formal and institutionalized education system started in Bangladesh during the British rule. At that time Bangladesh was part of British India. There was a debate about the medium of education. Raja Rammohan Roy argued that the medium should be English rather than Sanskrit or Persian. During the British period the medium of education was largely in English. Calcutta University took an initiative in 1935 to introduce Bangla as a medium of education along with English. In Bangladesh the use of Bangla in college level started in the 1960s. Now students can answer in the examinations in Bangla or English. In the college level and university level after 1971 the government tried to patronize Bangla and implement it by replacing English in the education sector. In our general education system English has equal if not more importance than Bangla. In our education system English is really the Second language as all the students have to study it as a compulsory subject for twelve years. English and Administration: During the language movement the people of Bangladesh were afraid that if Urdu was established as the State Language of Pakistan then all the government activities will be carried out in Urdu and our people will suffer. As a result of the language movement, the Pakistani Regime kept on carrying out government activities in English language. After Bangladesh became independent the government of Awami League decided to replace English with Bangla in administrative works but after the death of Sheikh Mujib this process came to a halt and English continued to remain as the dominant language. It was during the rule of Ershad Bangla Procholon Aeen of 1987 was created and implemented. From that time English started to lose its significance in administration. However, it has to be mentioned that all the international communication of Bangladesh government is carried out through English. English in Economic activities: The economy of Bangladesh is dependent on foreign aids and export of some common items like readymade garments, jute, tea, fish etc and also we import a lot of things. Bangladesh is not self sufficient economically. Trading is more popular than production. Trading requires constant communication with foreign companies. Many of the companies who are involved in trading have to use English in dealing with foreigners. So it is clear that English is the dominant language in our economic activities. Comparison of English foreign languages like French, German, and Farsi: French and German have become very popular for economic reasons in our country. Learning these languages help us to increase our possibility to get a UN job. Learning French is also helpful for getting immigration to Canada. Also there are good facilities to learn these languages in Dhaka University, Alliance Francaise, and Goethe Institute. Recently, the English Institute of North South University has introduced French course. On the other hand during the Muslim reign Farsi was the language of the Royal administration and law court in Bangladesh. At present, a student can attend Farsi course for one semester by just paying tk. 250 in Iran Cultural Center but there are not many students who are interested to learn Farsi, French, and German. On the other hand, hundreds of students each year appear for TOEFL and IELTS exams in English language. From the discussion so far there is no doubt that English is the second language of Bangladesh but this reality is not reflected in our constitution. Officially Bangladesh is not known as an ESL country to the outside world. So Bangladesh should be declared as an ESL country by the government without any delay. We learn English not because we like Shakespeare or Dickens. We learn English from out of every day necessity. Ghana The Ghana perspective on language culture and identity. Several reasons account for the Ghanaian attitude towards the English Language and why English is learnt, widely spoken and thought in Schools in Ghana. Paramount among these factors is the multilingual nature of the Ghanaian populace and the vis a vis this has posed to national development. Ghana like many African countries is characterized by people with different ethnic backgrounds and for that matter different language. There are over 60 languages spoken by over 18 million people in Ghana (National Population Census of 2000), which connotes that at least one distinct language is spoken by every 300,000 people on average. The multilingualism nature of the Ghanaian population has come with several challenges with regards to defining a Ghanaian Identity and what makes a person a Ghanaian. Historically, the multilingualism had transpired as a result of various ethnic migrations from different empires on the African continent who settled in Ghana in the early 1200 AD. As a result of the ethnic differences there had been conflict over which ethnic origin dominates and has appropriate ownership to various lands and regions in Ghana. The influence of the multilingualism in Ghana on national development and national identity has created several debates and efforts from a section of Ghanaians at achieving and selecting one local language to be adopted as a national language for official communications in businesses, governmental proceedings, School administration, teaching and learning as well as for inter ethnic trade communications. However these efforts have been gravely thwarted by the Ghanaian perception of local languages and the influence of the English language as inherited from the Colonial masters. The premier constitution of Ghana known as The Gold Coast constitution made specific prerequisites for Elected Members of the legislative assembly to be able to speak and read the English language with a degree of proficiency sufficient to enable them to participate in proceedings of the assembly since such proceedings were totally conducted in English. However the 1992 version of the constitution has dropped this requirement. This clearly demonstrates the extent of prestige and significance that the Ghanaian community placed on the usage of the English language for official proceedings. Formal Education began with the influence of the European merchants and the Christian missionaries who invaded the then gold coast in the early 15th century.  Missionaries started building schools and educational centers   and used them as training grounds for their converts. During such trainings emphasis were laid on the learning of the English language than any local language at the time. As a result by the 1890s English was the sole language used for training in schools in the (McWilliam and Kwamena-Poh 1975) The British colonial rule of over a century (1821-1957), led to the establishment of English as the most prestigious and the only official language of the country, a privileged position that the colonial language has retained after independence as well, till the present day. The English Language is today employed in television and radio broadcasts, news papers, magazines, book publications, legal proceedings and documentation, and all forms of official proceedings. The peculiar prestige enjoyed by the English language is clearly evinced in the words of this Ghanaian journalist, who claims that: English [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] enjoys great prestige in the country as it is seen as a language of power and security. Competence in English gives one the power to exercise authority; t is a key to ones advancement in society. It enhances ones chances of getting a good job. A person who wants to feel secure learns English as it is one of the requirements for employment in many areas. (Saah, 1986: 370)6 Sweden For people growing up in Sweden, English is scheduled from the 4th grade until the second year of high school. This means that Swedes study English from the age of ten until seventeen. It adds up to a total of eight years of schooling in the English language. In addition to this many students also have the option to learn a third language for 5 years, from 7th grade to second year in high school. Learning two languages besides the mother tongue is the normal scenario for Swedish academics. The third language is most often German, French or Spanish although lately Italian has been introduced as a choice of third language as well. While the rigorous English education is mandatory in Swedish schools, it should be stated that the third language is optional. Little reflection is needed in order to understand the importance of a second language among Swedes. There are approximately nine million people living in Sweden and Swedish is not spoken to any greater extent in other countries. Due to this it is easy to see how the people in Sweden could benefit from speaking another language in order to communicate outside their national boundaries. The choice of English as a secondary language in Sweden is linked to the size of the language and its influence on the developing countries in a historical perspective. Even though it is clear that size alone was not a single deciding factor when establishing a second language for Sweden, it is obvious how it has been of importance. The Mandarin language has more than twice the speakers and Spanish is also spoken by more people than English. Further, Hindi and Arabic are just slightly smaller languages than English as it is the native tongue for large populations over the globe. However, even though th ese languages are larger or in the same size as English they have not been that useful to the Swedes. This has to do with the general development level of the societies where these languages are predominant. Take mandarin for instance, as China for a long time has been less developed than Europe and America the opportunities to do business with the country has been insignificant compared to the ones presented by countries within Europe and the US. The historical connection to America is also part of the explanation to why English is widely spoken among Swedes. In the ninetieth and twentieth century there was an extensive emigration from Europe to America. Due to harsh living conditions in the Scandinavian region during the time, more than 1,3 million Swedes packed their belongings on boats in order to sail over the north Atlantic ocean. Stories passed on from emigrants to their relatives left in Sweden led to a common perception of America as the prosperous land in the west among Sw edish inhabitants. This affected the general attitude towards the English language and gave people incentives to learn English in order to pursue happiness on the other side of the sea. This is an important event that laid the foundation for the English language in Sweden. Besides this Great Britain was an early developed nation as it was one of the first to become industrialized during the ninetieth century, an event that had huge impact on English in Sweden. In Sweden, comprehensive education is not the only driving force that has developed the English speaking skills among the population. Different media has also contributed in a great sense. As motion pictures from abroad (read Hollywood) seldom, with the exception of childrens movies, are dubbed, the Swedish audience is confronted with the English language each time they amuse themselves with a good film. Swedish television also shows a large number of English speaking shows and series. In fact most of the popular programs are from America or Great Britain. In Sweden all young people are familiar with Jay Leno, Dr. Phil, Top Gear and the various HBO productions such as Entourage, Sopranos and True Blood. When aired these broadcasts are never dubbed, instead Swedish text is provided in order to facilitate understanding. In addition to television and movies, other media such as music, games and the Internet predominately use the English language. The current development is a self fulfil ling prophecy. As more and more media is produced with English as the main language, users of this media adapt and become comfortable with using the language as a natural way of communicating. This is something that has formed the younger generations growing up in Sweden as they are confronted with the English language to a large extent in their daily lives when watching films, playing video games, browsing the Internet or listening to music. To verify the accuracy of the statements above one only has to go two generations back in time. Most grandparents in Sweden do not speak that good English and parents are not as fluent as the generation currently graduating. Similar it seems reasonable to believe that future kids and their grandchildren will be fluent in English, meaning they will be equipped with two native languages. Spain Spain, on the contrary, has the second language with more native speakers in the world divided into 44 countries. Spanish culture, language and religion, historically and forcefully spread into many countries, ensure that Spanish is not endangered and still allow Spaniards to communicate with a large part of the global population. In addition to that, a simple look into Spains recent history shows that after Spanish Civil war (1936-1939), the country fell into an almost 40-year dictatorship that ruled the country into a complete autocracy. For the first half of the dictatorship, Spain relied only on its own resources and remained closed to most of international relations. In the mid 60s due to a dire situation of Spain economics, the country was forced to open, allowing certain imports while exporting work force to Germany and France. Due to the importance and closeness of France, French started being taught in schools, even though it was usually aught for few years due to the short period of schooling that Spains population were used to. It wasnt until a few years after the restoration of democracy (1978) when the importance of English became obvious and the public school system started adding the teaching of English in public schools. However, the impact of English culture and language was so low, that the efforts to learn the language properly were never high resulting on a rather poor knowledge of the language in the general population. As in most countries that werent colonized by the British, the main sources of American/English culture into Spain were movies and series, however, differently from most countries those popular inputs were dubbed into Spanish, so the language (and especially the phonetics) have kept Englishs impact in the Spanish population to an almost absolute 0. Parents that wanted their kids to develop a better level of English would have to opt for specialized language academies, or participating in exchange programs or trips to native speaking countries. It wasnt until the late 90s, with the massive spreading of the Internet that English finally started made its impact on young Spanish population, however, English still remains as a good asset to find a job and some entertainment, but from apart from that, theres no general appeal for Spaniards to gain a high level in English use. The language is learned because it is a great tool to communicate with international people as they key for global communication, generally detached of the American/British cultural factor that surround the language, concentrating on its usability and potential audience formed by multicultural people. English and the sense of a Global Identity When it comes to specific L2, we find that the English Language has become the most important one by large in terms of geographical distribution of speakers. Though English is only the third language when it comes to native speakers (350 million against Spanish (358 million) and Mandarin (800 million)) (Ethnologue, 2009), if we add second-language speakers and those who learn the language as a foreign language, English, with 900 million speakers, rises to the second position only topped by Mandarin with 1151. However, since only 18% of the Mandarin speakers are non-Chinese speakers and 62% of the English speakers are not native-speakers (L2), and its spoken in more than 123 countries in the world, we can draw the conclusion that English has become the current de facto language of the world. Actually, English has become the current lingua franca of international business, science, technology and aviation (Ding Saunders 2006). A lingua franca, originally Italian for Frankish language, is a language systematically used to communicate between persons not sharing mother tongue, in particular when it is a third language, distinct from both persons mother tongues (Wikipedia  ). Hence, a lingua franca can be thought of as something as a bridge language between different nationalities. However it is not the purpose of this paper to study the historical reasons that have lead to the current situation. Due to the falling power and cultural influence of China in East Asia any aspiring Chinese businessman will learn English as it is already well established as the international business language (Ku Zussman 2010). As such English is incontestably the global lingua franca of the current era of globalization (Ding Saunders 2006). The reasons are various and originate from the colonialism of the British Empire to the standardization and spreading of American entertainment and IT industry. The IT revolution with new means for communication, emerging world markets, outsourcing of production to other countries, and common currencies such as the Euro are all contributing to the globalization of the world (Kilbourne 2002). If the industrialization characterized the 18th and 19th century of the western world, globalization is the trait of today. As such it marks a major turning point in human history as large parts of our daily life are affected to some extent. Activities such as reading the morning news in the wall street journal, taking your Asian ec
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