Saturday, May 23, 2020
Protecting Ip And The Ethical Issues Related - 2204 Words
In a world where innovation, technology, and the digital age is moving at such a rapid rate, Intellectual Property (IP) becomes a hot button across business, law and ethics. In like manner, the complications with protecting and managing IP increases. The demand on IP policy has grown from the need to protect a simple invention, such as a light bulb, to the need to protect an idea, a slogan, or even a gene (i.e. biotech). To further complicate things, IP protections are no longer just in the interest of preserving a trade secret; it is now focused on monetary gains, economic strength and a means for businesses to compete. One can only imagine how complex the issues can become when focused on so many issues. This paper will discuss why†¦show more content†¦By striking the right balance between the interests of innovators and the wider public interest, the IP system aims to foster an environment in which creativity and innovation can flourish. Therefore, IP is a critical piece of our country’s economic development, social and cultural welfare. Enforcement of these protections are relied upon in many industries, scientists and not to mention, many artists. It helps to foster competition, betterment, creativity and innovation. In addition, the American consumer benefits as IP ensures they are purchasing products that are safe and effective. Given these points, there is no doubt that IP rights must be protected in order for the U.S. to continue to be productive. One key reason protecting IP is important is its impact on the U.S. job market. IP industries put forty million Americans to work and it is expected that as technology continues to advance, those industries will continue to grow and do so rapidly. This is expected to happen not just in the U.S., but globally. In addition, IP intensive positions tend to pay higher salaries averaging about $50,576 per employee in comparison to the national average of $38,768. (U .S. Chamber of Commerce, 2016) IP is also a key aspect of the overall U.S. Economy. With IP intensive industries accounting for more than one third of the U.S. GDP, it has become key to the country’s economic growth. Currently, U.S. IP is worth $5.8 trillion, more than the nominal
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Civil War And The Antebellum Years From 1845-1861
Many events in the United States helped form the country today. One of the more prominent events was the Civil War and the antebellum years from 1845-1861. Due to expansion in the West, discussions began about how the state was going to join the Union and later the issue of slavery was introduced. Many Northern states sought to halt the spread of slavery into the new territories while Southern states wanted to expand slavery. These disputes lead to bloodshed as the South began to feel that their way of life and source of income was being threatened. The build up from these events during the antebellum years, lead to the secession of states from the Union, and instigated the United States into the furor of the Civil War. The ideas of Manifest Destiny increased movement in the West rapidly. This idea of westward expansion was supported on the belief that Americans were intended to expand the continent. However, this expansion leads to disputes with other countries and nations. The Mexi can-American War commenced because American farmers began to settle in the Mexican territory in the north. Mexico was defeated and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed, causing the Mexicans to give up most of their northern territory to the United States. Obtaining this new territory help achieve a few of the goals of Manifest Destiny, but the issues arose about what to do with all of this new land. A popular topic was the issue of slavery. One of the proposed was the Wilmot Proviso, whichShow MoreRelated The American Renaissance Essay1168 Words  | 5 Pagesinfluential literary works from some of the most brilliant minds in U.S. history, including Ralph Waldo Emersons the Representative Man (1850), Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlett Letter (1850) and The House of Seven Gables (1851), Herman Melvilles Moby-Dick, Henry David Thoreaus Walden (1854), and Walt Whitmans Leaves of Grass (1855). American Renaissance Literary Masterpieces The American Renaissance, a literary and cultural period circa extending from 1820 to the mid-1860s, gainedRead MoreOrigin Of And Role Played By Manifest Destiny1323 Words  | 6 PagesOrigin of and Role Played by Manifest Destiny John O’Sullivan, a newspaper editor, coined the term Manifest Destiny in 1845. Since then, scholars have used the term to refer to the expansionistic excitement that defined the 1840s. During that time, the United States’ population had more than quadrupled and Americans believed God had destined that they span the entire North America from one coast to the other. Although the term â€Å"Manifest Destiny†was used to typify the 1840s American expansionistic exuberanceRead MoreJefferson Davis And The American Civil War1285 Words  | 6 PagesJefferson Davis lived from (1808-1889) and was a Mexican War hero, a U.S. senator from Mississippi, and U.S. secretary of war and president of the Confederate States of America for the duration of the American Civil War (1861-1865). Prior to the start of the war, Davis had argued against secession, but when Mississippi seceded he resigned from the U.S. Senate. In February 1861 he was elected president of the Confederacy st ates. Davis faced difficulties throughout the war as he struggled controlRead MoreWomen s Movements During Post Revolution Ideals Of The World1864 Words  | 8 PagesAntebellum Reforms in Women’s Movements Post revolution ideals of the world were drastically altered by the emergence of the first republican government and the virtues it espoused; this cultivated Republican Motherhood, the idea that in this new society, men had to grow to be citizens with republican morals and it was the woman’s responsibility to become an educated, rational and virtual being to enforce these ideals upon children in order to foster a republican society. This eventually led toRead MoreTo What Extent Was Slavery the Cause of the American Civil War?4178 Words  | 17 Pagesthe period 1763-1865, how far was the American Civil War caused by long term divisions over the issue of slavery? In his second inaugural address in March 1865, Abraham Lincoln looked back at the beginning of the Civil War four years earlier all knew, he said, that slavery was somehow the cause of the war. This essay will endeavour to discuss the role of long term divisions caused by the slavery debate in the eventual outbreak of the Civil War. In doing so this analysis will encompass theRead MoreChild Rearing (19th Century)6310 Words  | 26 Pagesbackgrounds. In the end I will introduce a contemporary author who wrote his book from a different perspective and is today considered a classic. 2. Heman Humphrey Heman Humphrey was born on 26 March 1779 in Connecticut and died on 3 April 1861 in Massachusettes. He was married to Sophia Porter and worked as a member of the clergy, as well as a writer and functioned as the second president of Amherst College (1823-1845), which was founded in 1821 as a teaching institution for missionaries thatRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pages Agricultural and Pastoral Societies in Ancient and Classical History Jack Metzgar, Striking Steel: Solidarity Remembered Janis Appier, Policing Women: The Sexual Politics of Law Enforcement and the LAPD Allen Hunter, ed., Rethinking the Cold War Eric Foner, ed., The New American History. Revised and Expanded Edition E SSAYS ON _ T WENTIETH- C ENTURY H ISTORY Edited by Michael Adas for the American Historical Association TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS PHILADELPHIA Temple
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The University Of Nebraska At Omaha ( Uno ) - 1210 Words
For the last year and a half, I have had the privilege of studying Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii), an apicomplexan parasite. This parasite infects an estimated 30-50% of adults worldwide, most of whom are unaware of their infection. Because it is a close cousin of Plasmodium falciparum, the cause of human malaria, it is also considered a model organism for malaria, a disease that claims the lives of over a million people a year. Thanks to this close relationship, a drug-like compound that has efficacy against one organism will likely have efficacy against the other as well. This research experience lead me to develop a great interest in biomedical research, prompting me to continue on in the same laboratory for my Master’s degree, which I†¦show more content†¦gondii in a forward genetic screen of a library of compounds, which was published in â€Å"Chemical Genetics of Plasmodium falciparum†. The portion of the project that my thesis involved was the random mut agenesis of parasites using the chemical mutagen ethyl methanesulfonate to generate a population of parasites that contained every possible mutation within their genome. Then drug pressure was applied to these populations to identify the KG3-resistant populations of parasites. The resistance of these parasites was assessed via their IC50. As a result of this project, I have learned a number of laboratory skills, including cell culture, genetic manipulation, compound preparation, and fluorescence-based IC50 assays. The overall project is ongoing, and is now a portion of my master’s thesis. The other major project of my undergraduate career was investigating the effects of testosterone on T. gondii growth both in vivo and in vitro. Preliminary data produced by our lab had shown testosterone to have an effect on T. gondii growth in vitro. This effect was not confirmed, thus we proposed an experiment to test the in vitro effects on a larger scale, allowing statistical significanc e to be established. If testosterone were to have an effect on the growth of the parasite, the options for treatment could be expanded through further scientific inquiry. For the in vitro portion of the study, much of my work was focused on a plaque assay. This is an assay that allows
National Guard troops Free Essays
The United States is actively protecting its borders from terrorists, drug dealers, and increasingly, Mexicans. I would have said immigrants, in place of Mexicans, but I do not think this would be completely accurate. After all, President Bush recently said that he was sending National Guard troops to the Mexican – American border, not all the borders around our country. We will write a custom essay sample on National Guard troops or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is an interesting question how much this administration really cares about protecting the borders. One would think that if they were concerned about terrorism as much as they say, and take steps such as tapping domestic phone lines, keeping records of phone call of millions of Americans, and actively infiltrating and observing citizen groups that oppose them, then this administration would have militarized the borders long ago. But this has not been the case. It has not been until the beginning of an election year that this has become an issue. Millions of illegal immigrants have been streaming across our borders non-stop since the attacks on the World Trade Center, one would think that this would be the easiest way for any terrorist group to infiltrate the United States. But judging from this administration’s actions thus far, they do not seem to think so. There are many worse people that could easily find their way into our country than the average Mexican. The concern about border security should not focus on Mexicans, it should focus on terrorists groups that wish to do the country harm. The resources of the spy agencies of the United States should not be focused on American citizens and the imagined threat from â€Å"eco-terrorists. †It should be focused on stopping those individuals that truly wish to do this country harm from doing so. How to cite National Guard troops, Papers
Receivable Accounts Payable Of The Company â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Receivable Accounts Payable Of The Company? Answer: Introducation After observing the Balance Sheet and Trial Balance of Zen Drop Limited for the year ended 30 September 2017, I would like to highlight some of the major financial factors of the company. From the balance sheet of Zen Drop Limited, I have noticed that the total amount of cash in bank is 9720110. While comparing the current assets and liabilities of Zen Drop Limited, I have seen that the total amount of current assets is higher than the total amount of current liabilities. In case of the accounts receivable and accounting payable of the company, I have observed that the total amount of accounts receivable is higher than the total amount of accounts payable of the company (Anjum and Malik 2013). This is a strong financial indicator for Zen Drop Limited that it has the sufficient liquidity position to pay the business creditors. From this, I have concluded that the liquidity position of the company is good as Zen Drop Limited has the financial capability to pay its current obligations ( Holden, Jacobsen and Subrahmanyam 2014). I would also like to mention the fact the overall financial position of Zen Drop Limited is in good shape as the total assets of Zen Drop Limited is higher than its total liabilities. I have also observed the fact that the amount of share capital is more than that of non-current liabilities that is loans. From this, it is clear that the capital structure of Zen Drop Limited consists more of share capital that long-term borrowing (Dalal 2013). This aspect reduces the financial risk of the company and Zen Drop Limited does not have to bear large business of interest expenses (Jain, Singh and Yadav 2013). Hence, based on the above discussion, I would like to mention the fact that the financial position of Zen Drop Limited is in good condition as the company has strong liquidity position and the proportion of share capital is more in the capital structure of Zen Drop Limited. References Anjum, S. and Malik, Q.A., 2013. Determinants of corporate liquidity-An analysis of cash holdings.Journal of Business and Management,7(2), pp.94-100. Dalal, G., 2013. Capital Structure Decisions.Journal of Business Management Social Sciences Research (JBMSSR) ISSN, (2319-5614). Holden, C.W., Jacobsen, S. and Subrahmanyam, A., 2014. The empirical analysis of liquidity.Foundations and Trends in Finance,8(4), pp.263-365. Jain, P.K., Singh, S. and Yadav, S.S., 2013. Capital Structure Decisions. InFinancial Management Practices(pp. 77-158). Springer India.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Not Today by BTS free essay sample
BTSconsisting of the band members Jungkook, V, Jin, Rap Monster, Suga, Jimin, and J-Hopeare from South Korea. The Korean boy band focuses on K-pop, with the twist of English in their lyrics. Starting with Skool Luv Affair Special Addition to Love Yourself: Her, the beats of tech, pop, and rap have combined together to create these outstanding albums that satisfy their fans. From the album â€Å"You Never Walk Alone†, there is a song that gives off this strong message of winning that some might mistake for boasting. â€Å"Not Today†is a song that tells all the weaklings that today is their day to fight. Using the lyrics â€Å"All the underdogs in the world/ A day may come when we lose/ But it is not today/ Today we fight!†, BTS sends the message that as weak as you are, you have some fight in you and with that, there is hope for a better you. We will write a custom essay sample on Not Today by BTS or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page â€Å"If you can’t fly, run/ Today we will survive/ If you can’t run, walk/ Today we will survive/ If you can’t walk, crawl/†conveys that if we run into an obstacle, then it is our job to be sure there are other choices we can make to escape that fate. With the touching and understanding lyrics of â€Å"Forget about the fear in your eyes/ Let go of what scares you/†swoons the audience by the meaning that fear shouldn’t overpower us and instead it should be our motivator. Repetitions such as â€Å"Point, aim, shoot!†makes fans go wild because this lyrical line is the line in which is the entire motivation in the song. This means that they’ll shoot down those who make them feel weak and target their fears. Also with â€Å"We won’t die, don’t ask/ Scream, not not today/ Don’t kneel, we won’t cry/ Hands up, not not today/ Hey not not today/ Hey not not today/ Hey not not today†emphasizes that BTS is not willing to give up on what they worked so hard for. â€Å"Not not today! Not, not today!/ Hey crow-tits, everyone, hands up/ Hey friends, hands up/ Hey, if you trust me, hands up†Is also conveying that no matter who you are what your beliefs are, you are still in the fight and should trust the people around you. The fast, pounding rhythm in â€Å"Not Today†which is made into more prospect with the stomping choreography. The entire band is being chased and shot at, making the whole message of the song fit snugly with its lyrics. Behind the scenes, the Korean boys express how much fun it was to film the music video and love filming for ARMY, their fan base. â€Å"Not Today†has been one of the longest music video duration due to the need for the choreography to be perfect. They filmed the intro scene over and over again, the scene where BTS is being chased by black ninja figures and are being shot at from off screen. It was due to Rap Monster and V no t being able to â€Å"fall like a wounded man†. The director kept commenting on Jungkook and Suga that they really are dancers because they made falling look delicate. Personally, I believeâ€Å"Not Today†is one of BTS’ most dedicated work ever done by BTS. With the sudden boldness that shook all of ARMY, BTS has won many awards this past year. With the clash of a New Zealand background with determined loud music, this particular piece has become even more spectacular than it was when they released the song. I give BTS, â€Å"Not Today†five stars due to my new knowledge of K-pop and BTS doing an amazing job to impress my bitter judgment.
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