Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Diverse Nature of Psychology Paper - 951 Words
The Diverse Nature of Psychology Paper Sophia Martinez Psychology 490 Capstone Course in Psychology October 5, 2011 Giselle Gourrier, Ph.D. The Diverse Nature of Psychology Paper Psychology is a discipline that has extensive implications for other areas of science while simultaneously maintaining a narrow concern for the derivation of scientific knowledge about human and non-human behavior (Stanovich, 2010). This paper is concerned with the assessment of two sub-disciplines and sub-topics within psychology, theoretical perspective of the sub-disciplines, and the psychological contribution to society on the chosen sub-disciplines and sub- topics. Diversity on major concepts There are 54 subdivisions of psychology within the†¦show more content†¦I/O psychology can be implemented in any type of business within contemporary society. However, Group-think can only be implemented in specific business that emphasizes beliefs and behaviors from the specific organization or group. Group- think is a collectivistic approach however; it can be used in the individualistic societies as well (PsyBlog, 2009). The second concept being assessed is the Humanistic theory. Humanistic theory can be applied to other disciplines like sociology if an individual wants to enhance the understanding on how an individual behaves in the larger realm of society. Everyone deals with his or her own internal struggles that can ultimately affect other individuals around him or her. This view argues that an individual is free to choose his or her own behavior, rather than reacting to environmental stimuli or reinforce. In order to have a positive self concept an individual has a certain needs that must be met. These needs are basic needs, Safety, love and belong, achievement, and Self- Actualization Theoretical Perspective Going back to Individualism and Collectivism the collectivistic prospective is much more understanding with group think and less accepting of Self- Actualization. As individualistic theory is more accepting on Self- actualization because of the emphasize on an individual’s goals and values over the groups. Having the I/O theory implemented into any business despite theShow MoreRelatedThe Diverse Nature of Psychology Essays919 Words  | 4 PagesThe Diverse Nature of Psychology Psychology, though a young field, is a uniquely successful one, flourishing in the twentieth century through intellectual and social expansion (Darity, 2008). From its philosophical roots to its emergence as a scientific discipline, the field of psychology has been concerned with behavior and mental processes. By its very nature, the field is diverse encompassing many subdisciplines and areas. 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